Monday, September 23, 2013

How To Cope With Rheumatoid Arthritis - Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis The Natural Way

People that suffer with rheumatoid arthritis deal with pain every day. This disease, also known as RA, appears to come from the body beginning to attack its own tissues, mainly in the joint regions. Some of the first signs of this disease are swollen joints that become stiff overnight.

This is what marks it is different from other types of joint issues as such as osteoarthritis. Most of the time other joint tissues do not show as much swelling involved. The swelling comes from inflammation of membranes that line the joint and surround the tendons. Over time, this constant inflammation leads to tissue damage and can lead to bone and cartilage loss as well.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic condition that will cause long-term damage, especially if left untreated. Many researchers think that RA is an autoimmune disorder, but they do not know what causes it.

People that have this disease usually have multiple joints all of the body affected with time. Some research indicates there might be genetic links while others are inconclusive. One theory is that certain infections can trigger the body to start attacking healthy tissues.

The problem is that the body continues to see the tissues of the joints as a foreign invader. That leaves the body to continue attacking the tissues surrounding the joints.

How can you deal with rheumatoid arthritis naturally? One of the best ways to alleviate continued degeneration of the joints is to lose any excess weight. Excess weight puts stress and strain on joints in normal individuals.

When you add the inflammation and pain of RA, the stress and strain is even greater. A good way to lose that weight is to exercise. Stretching not only helps the exercise process but also lovers up the stiff joints.

Weight training is a great way to lose pounds but also alleviate some RA symptoms. Moderate aerobic exercise that does not stress the joints is another great way to lose that weight.

In addition to exercise, making changes in your diet can help as well. Eating a balanced diet will give your joints and immune system the boost that they need to fight a good fight.

In addition to making changes to your diet, adding natural supplements to you daily regimen can help combat the symptoms of RA. There are varieties of natural substances that help alleviate the chronic inflammation throughout the body.

They also help alleviate many of the other symptoms such as stiffness and swelling. All of this can help make living with rheumatoid arthritis of little easier.

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