Tuesday, October 1, 2013

An In-Depth Overview of Bursitis and How to Treat It With Diet and Nutrition

Bursitis is a painful condition in which the bursae, small fluid-filled pads that act as cushions among muscles around the joints and the tendons and bones, are affected. Bursitis occurs as a result of inflammation of the bursae. The elbow, hip and shoulder are the most common areas for bursitis. However, bursitis can also occur in the base of the big toe, the heel and the knee can also be affected by bursitis. Often, joints that perform repeated motion frequently can also be affected by bursitis. To treat bursitis, the affected join has to be rested and protected from further trauma. In a majority of cases, it takes a couple of weeks of proper treatment for bursitis pain to go away, but it is common to experience recurrent bursitis flare-ups.

Symptoms of Bursitis

Those suffering from bursitis usually experience the following symptoms in the affected join:

- Achy or stiff feeling in the join
- More pain when the join is pressed on or moved
- The joint looks red and swollen

Causes of Bursitis

Repeated positions or motions that result in irritation of the bursae around a joint are the most common reasons bursitis occurs, such as:

- Lifting something over the head or throwing a baseball repeatedly
- Leaning on the elbows for long periods of time
- Prolonged kneeling, for tasks such as scrubbing floors or laying carpet
- Prolonged sitting, especially on hard surfaces

Bursae at the elbow and knee are more prone to puncture injuries due to lying just beneath the skin, which can lead to septic bursitis or infection of the bursae.

Risk factors of Bursitis

Bursitis can develop in anyone, but the risks are increased by certain factors:

Age: Aging tends to increase the chances of the occurrence of bursitis.

Hobbies or occupations: People can be at a higher risk of suffering from bursitis if they have a hobby or work in a profession where repetitive pressure or motion of specific bursae is required. For instance, carpet laying, gardening, painting and playing a musical instrument.

Other medical conditions: The risk of developing bursitis can also be increased by some systemic conditions and diseases such as diabetes, gout and rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatments of Bursitis

Usually, conservative measures such as ice, rest and taking a pain reliever are involved in the treatment of bursitis. Bursitis can also be treated with medication, therapy, injections and surgery. However, affected bursa can also be treated making dietary changes, so that inflammation is reduced and bursitis pain is relieved with dietary.

For people suffering from bursitis, the following foods are recommended:

Omega-3 fatty acids: Inflammation, pain and stiffness associated with bursitis can be reduced by fatty fish, such as mackerel, salmon and tuna, which contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Zinc-rich foods: Inflammation in bursa can be reduced, helping them repair, by eating foods such as alfalfa, eggs, kelp, lentils, mushrooms, oysters and sunflower seeds, which are rich in zinc.

Vitamin C-rich foods: Bursa can be protected from damage by bacteria, free radicals and virus cells by eating foods such as apples, broccoli, grapefruit, mangoes, oranges and spinach, which are rich in Vitamin C.

Pineapple: Bursitis inflammation can be reduced by eating pineapple because of the enzyme, bromelain, it contains.

Eating foods rich in vitamin B and E can also help treat bursitis. Although medical treatments might become necessary in some cases, the best way of treating bursitis making dietary changes and switching to a balanced, healthy and nutritious diet.


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