Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Benefits Of TMD/TMJ Treatments

TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder causes millions of individuals' pain. This pain is usually experienced between the lower jawbone and the skull, where the temporomandibular joints are located. These joints are used frequently, when we talk, chew, yawn, and even swallow, and because they are used to often, restriction and pain is experienced more than one may think. There are many TMJ treatments that can help alleviate this pain and discomfort.

Probable Causes of TMD

When it comes to TMD more women encounter it than men, especially those between 20 and 40 years of age. Although the exact cause is not known, there are many doctors that believe the causes can be some of the following:

Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid arthritis in the temporomandibular joint.
Injury to the neck muscles from a head area hit or whiplash.
The joint becomes weak.
Grinding and clenching teeth that put too much force on the TMJ.
Too much stress where it causes on to tighten their facial and/or jaw muscles.


There are common symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder which can include sensitivity in and around the face, neck and shoulders, jaw joint, and even the ear. This sensitivity can include pain as well. Some sufferers have restriction on how wide they're able to open their mouths. You may hear clicking or popping when you open and close your mouth. It's common to have headaches, toothaches, difficulty hearing or ringing in the ear, as well as, dizziness.

If a person is experiencing any of the symptoms related to TMJ, they should talk with a TMJ specialist's professional about your concerns. Together, the symptoms can be alleviating for a healthier, improved and happier you.

Talking Treatment

TMJ treatments can vary but their focus is to relieve the pain, the spasms, and the restricted movement that can be associated with TMD/TMJ. The first thing a specialist will do to determine which treatment would be best for you, is to complete a thorough examination and review your medical and dental history. Treatments can include at-home preventative measures and exercises.

Some of the treatments one can expect can include but may not be limited to the following treatments:

Prescribed medications.
Low level laser therapy.
Wearing a guard or splint.
Correct dental issues.
Relaxation techniques.

There are some periodontists that also practice a revolutionary non-invasive treatment known as TruDenta that's been very successful at treating TMJ, headaches, including migraines without needles or drugs. A safe and effective treatment for improving temporomandibular joint sufferers overall symptoms, function and life.

It can cause lock-jaw, increased pain, and more severe headaches to ignore the warning signs of TMD/TMJ. Treatments are available to help improve your condition, overall health and lifestyle. The important thing is to get a diagnosis if you're experiencing any of the signs, so see one of the TMJ specialists for the right treatment for you.

How a Parasite Might Hold Clues For New Arthritis Treatment

All right, this is just plain... distressing. If you're at all squeamish about parasites, read on at your own risk. Researchers at the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde will try to understand why auto immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis are so rare in countries where parasitic worm infections are common and whether this may lead to new effective arthritis treatments.

Yes, that's right. Parasitic worms living inside the bodies of populations from tropical regions without causing them any trouble at all. And perhaps, strangely, providing some benefit. Which leaves you to wonder if Mother Nature doesn't know just exactly what she's doing after all...

The scientific community is well aware of an inverse relationship between worm infections and diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, type-1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Countries where people are naturally infected with this particular parasite seem to have lower rates of these conditions than those countries where this type of infection doesn't occur or has been eradicated.

Luckily for the squeamish among us, it's not the actual parasitic filarial nematode worm that the Scots scientists are wanting to put into our bodies, it's a large molecule they secrete known as ES-62. This substance is found in the bloodstream of parasite infected people in the tropics, and seems to provide some protective benefit against the inflammation the worms should be causing in their human hosts. The good news is that ES-62 has no known adverse effects, leaving the body perfectly able to fight off other infections.

"ES-62 appears to act like a 'thermostat' to effectively turn down disease-causing inflammation while leaving essential defense mechanisms intact to fight infection and cancer," according to Iain McInnes, a member of the research team and Professor of Experimental Medicine at the University of Glasgow. "This property also makes ES-62 a unique tool for scientists to identifying how such disease-causing inflammation occurs."

The team is going to try and produce a synthetic (again... whew!) version of the ES-62 molecule from the worms in an effort to come up with an anti inflammatory therapy that works effectively for auto immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, type-1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. The three-year study is being funded by the UK's Arthritis Research Campaign.

Earlier work has also shown ES-62 to have real potential as a therapy for allergies too.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a potentially crippling joint disease that comes as a result of your immune system attacking itself. Inflammation in the joints and internal organs is the result and is an incredibly painful condition.

At present there is no cure for this severely debilitating condition, but there is lots of research currently underway, and various arthritis treatment options are available that help take down the painful inflammation and keep joint damage to a minimum. One such treatment has recently hit the headlines - a drug called Tocilizumab (which will be sold under the brand name RoActemra). This works in conjunction with another arthritis drug Methotrexate and works to halt symptoms.

WD-40 for Arthritis?

A popular lubricant developed in 1953 is making waves as an arthritis "treatment" even though there is no scientific evidence behind this claim.

Thousands of people around the world swear that WD-40 (short for water displacement - 40th attempt), a rust-prevention product created by chemist Norm Larsen, has helped them cope with arthritis pain and stiffness. Users claim the household lubricant works miracles if sprayed on stiff knees, hips, and wrists.

Golfer Eric McKaig is one of them. The 70-year-old retired sales manager and former professional football player said the product has put an end to years of suffering. He got arthritis seven years ago and has tried a lot of painkillers and supplements for quick relief but to no avail.

His 78-year-old friend Ron Andrew told McKaig about his secret. Since then, the two claim they have found instant relief.

"It's been an absolute godsend for me. WD-40 has given me a hell of a lot of relief. A few weeks ago, I was even running around the garden with my grandson. I haven't been able to do that for about three years," McKaig said.

"There was a slope at my local golf course that used to really hurt my knees. But within a few days of spraying WD-40 it didn't hurt nearly as much. I only sprayed it three or four times and I've been fine since. It was unbelievable," Andrew added.

Although WD-40 has thousands of uses such as protecting tools from rust, silencing squeaky hinges, and removing crayon marks from most surfaces, the manufacturer stressed that it is a household product not a miracle cure for arthritis. In response to queries from users, it issued this statement:

"WD-40 is not a medical product. We would never recommend to people that they spray WD-40 onto the skin. Our recommendation is to see your GP (general practitioner) for expert advice on alleviating arthritis."

Doctors say the reason why people think WD-40 works is because of the placebo effect - meaning if you sincerely believe something will work, sometimes it does but only temporarily. That positive effect may be reinforced by the cooling effect of WD-40 that is similar to other topical painkillers or due to improved blood circulation when users massage the product into their skin.

Arthritis expert Professor Robert Moots from Liverpool University said a lubricant similar to WD-40 is used to treat stiff joints. Unlike WD-40, however, the treatment is injected into the joints not merely sprayed.
"By spraying the outside of the knee with WD-40 I doubt if any would actually get into the joint. I've no doubt people who use it do feel better but it's probably only a simple placebo effect," Moots explained.

To top it off, arthritis is characterized by flare-ups and remissions. A remission is the absence of symptoms that occur for no known reason in 30 percent of arthritis patients. Thus, people who feel better after using WD-40 may actually be experiencing a remission.

"To date, no credible scientific studies have shown any benefit from the use of WD-40 for arthritis. In fact, there may be cumulative harmful effects. The manufacturer's warning indicates that contact with skin and vapors should be avoided. WD-40 contains petroleum distillates, as do gasoline and oil. Problems ranging from mild skin rash to severe allergic reactions have been reported. Prolonged exposure can cause cancer and other serious health problems," warned Dr. Katherine Poelhmann, author of "Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Infection Connection."

If you have arthritis, don't waste time on questionable remedies. While there is no cure for the disease, painful symptoms can be controlled with the right medication. One popular product is Flexcerin that helps soothe inflamed joints, relieves swelling, and restores flexibility and mobility. Check out for details.

Arthritis Treatment: What's on the Horizon for Osteoarthritis Treatment?

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis affecting more than 30 million Americans. It is a disease of articular hyaline cartilage which covers the ends of long bones. The purpose of hyaline cartilage is to cushion and absorb the impact of both direct stresses and shearing forces applied to the joint.

Osteoarthritis affects primarily weight-bearing joints such as the hip, knee, low back, and neck. However, it can also involve the shoulder, ankle, base of the thumb, and base of the big toe.

Despite the focus of attention in rheumatology on newer therapies for diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, there has been relatively little done to deal with osteoarthritis. This is unfortunate since osteoarthritis (OA) is a significant cause of pain, reduced mobility, reduced productivity, and diminished quality of life.

Between symptomatic therapies consisting of rest, physical therapy, analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), injections of glucocorticoids ("cortisone") and viscosupplements, there is a void until the patient requires joint replacement.

I will discuss some of the "avant-garde" therapies that are being evaluated for treatment of OA.

The first treatment is the use of stem cells. Stem cells are blank slate cells, cells that can be coaxed to differentiate into any type of tissue cell. The focus of attention has been on the use of adult mesenchymal stem cells. Studies have demonstrated that when these cells are introduced into OA joints, that they are incorporated into the articular cartilage of the affected joint. While most investigations have been demonstrated in animal models, there have been small studies and multiple anecdotal reports indicating similar results in humans.

The second type of treatment that has been studied is the use of anti-cytokine drugs. Some feel that OA is a systemic disease that requires systemic therapies.

Cytokines, which are protein messengers, play a pivotal role in the generation and propagation of inflammation. One cytokine that may have a role in the chronic inflammation seen in OA is interleukin-1. Attempts to block the effects of this cytokine have been studied with mixed results. When given systemically it didn't perform much better than placebo. When given as an injection in a joint, there have been mixed results.

Another material that has been studied is botulinum toxin (Botox). It appears to have beneficial effects in regards to pain and inflammation. It has been used in OA of the knee as well as of plantar fasciitis.

Other therapies that have been studied include platelet-rich plasma (PRP), insulin-like growth factor, and bone morphogenic protein. Results are controversial.

4 Cheap Treatments for Arthritis Knee Pain

How to Read the Confusing Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis Knee Pain

Athletes, very active people and those of us who are overweight are usually the prime time people who will probably develop some type of arthritis knee pain in our life. The confusion begins with the signs and symptoms of any type of joint pain. Just remember that swelling, inflammation, point tenderness and stiffness are early warning signs that your knees could be heading towards arthritis.

If we have those signs and symptoms does that really mean we have arthritic knees? Not necessarily. The best way to determine if you have arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis or even osteoarthritis is to have your blood tested. If you have been suffering for a while it is best to visit your doctor soon and find out exactly what is going on.

Blood work can go a long way in helping you determine exactly what you have. Many of us, when pain persists in our knees, we just mutter: "I've got arthritis in my knees" but we really don't know. People who actually suffer from arthritis honestly can tell the difference between normal joint pains and arthritis joint pains.

Age Factors Can Help Sort out the confusion of arthritis knee pain:

Rheumatoid arthritis usually develops sooner than osteoarthritis, so you might want to take that into consideration. As you know, rhuematoid arthritis basically lost a couple of nuts along the way and starts attacking your body without any known cause.

Osteoarthritis on the other hand can be a direct result of the "old injury bug" that has been re-injured many times in your life. Heck it could be a meniscus that was torn when you were 18 years old and now that you are in your 40's that rubbing and irritation could lead to osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis usually creaps into your world in the middle to upper years of your life.

Other factors that can lead to arthritis knee pain

  • age

  • genetics

  • body weight

  • diet -this is a biggy

This I know about arthritis knee pain. If you let it go long enough it will come back to bite you in the butt. Go see a doctor to determine if you have some loose objects floating around in your knee. It might require minor surgery to get it fixed and then you will be as good as new. If not, they will have some answers for you and so do we.

I know there are times when your knees really hurt when you are walking. Listen to your body and when the pain is present, don't be bull headed and think you can fight through the pain. You will probably win, but in the long run the arthritis will win.

There are tons of exercises you can do to help increase the blood flow through your knees. Follow those specific exercises and recommendations. Not only will your heart be happy but so will your knees with all that extra blood flowing through your knee joints.

Weight loss: I know how hard it is to lose weight when you can do much physically. But you always have a good part of the day when you could be doing some type of physical exercise. Follow the Nike slogan and "Just Do It".

Changing your eating habits: Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins/minerals and they have a cleansing effect which allows your body to begin repairing itself. Instead of grabbing a bag of potato chips, start grabbing a bag of carrots. You'll be surprised when your body begins to respond favorably.

Supplementation: I'm such a firm believer in supplementation because I am living proof it works. Supplementing with the proper vitamins, minerals, amino acids and digestive enzymes is critical to your overall health, weight loss and arthritis pain. On the site, we have two excellent options for you that are specific to arthritis and joint pain. I can give you the number to a place that we purchase liquid vitamins from. We have drank this formula since 1998 and we don't see a need to stop it. It works.

In all honesty, I truly believe your body will heal itself from the inside out if you give it the proper ingredients. Specific arthritis knee pain is a sign that should not be ignored. Listen to your body, follow up with some type of treatment and exercise and over time you will find yourself in much better shape, you will be much happier and in less pain.

You can beat arthritis knee pain.

Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Depending on the stage of the disease, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis varies but initial treatment is usually aimed at reducing inflammation while minimizing the side effects of such treatment. The presence of other disorders, particularly liver or kidney complaints, also affects the type of treatment. In some cases, treatment may involve surgery.

Increased nutrient intake

People with active rheumatoid arthritis may have a poor dietary intake due to loss of appetite. At the same time, some of the medications that treat rheumatoid arthritis, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, may increase the requirement for certain nutrients and reduce their absorption.

Like osteoarthritis, weight loss is recommended for overweight and obese people to reduce the stress on inflamed joints. Nutritional guidelines, therefore, focus on eating a varied diet that provides essential nutrients while helping control weight.

  • Sufficient intake of vitamin E is important for the health of your joints; vitamin E-rich foods include oils, fish, nuts, and seeds.

  • You should also choose foods that provide an adequate intake of B vitamins, vitamin D, calcium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Include adequate amounts of antioxidants in your diet.

Maintaining bone density

Rheumatoid arthritis causes bone loss, which can also lead to osteoporosis. Bone loss is more likely with an increasing level of disability, resulting from rheumatoid arthritis and the decreasing level of weight-bearing activity. The use of steroid drugs further accelerates bone loss, particularly in postmenopausal women.

Bone loss can be countered by making sure you consume adequate amounts of calcium (1,000 - 1,500mg per day) and vitamin D (0.01 - 0.02mg per day), either in the diet or by taking supplements.

Exercise and mobility

Pain and stiffness often cause people with rheumatoid arthritis to stop using their inflamed joints. However, such decrease of activity can lead to loss of joint motion and loss of muscle strength, which leads to decreased joint stability and increased fatigue. Exercise can help prevent and reverse these effects, but exercise programs should be designed by a physical therapist and tailored to the severity for your condition, the former activity level, and your body build.

Sardines are good for rheumatoid arthritis

Containing high levels of calcium, iron, B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids, sardines on toast makes an easy and nutrition snack.

Omega-3 fatty acids and rheumatoid arthritis

Studies have shown that people with rheumatoid arthritis who were treated with fish-oil supplements for between 3 and 4 months had a reduction in the number of affected joints.

It is thought that omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in oily fish and in some plant oils, might reduce inflammation and help alleviate the troublesome symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis by recuing the number of inflammatory "messenger molecules" made by the body's immune system.

High doses of omega-3 fatty acids should be taken under the supervision of a doctor to prevent side effects or interactions with medications that you may be using to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Eating oily fish, such as tuna, salmon, and mackerel, at least twice a week should be an integral part of your diet if you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

Can diet cure arthritis?

Theories abound that eliminating certain foods, such as tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers, taking specific supplements, or adding honey, vinegar, or hers to the diet will alleviate arthritis. However, with the exception of gout, which may benefit from a change of diet, there is no scientific evidence that diet can cure joint disorders.

Tests have shown that diets low in saturated fats, or that include certain omega-3 fatty acids, seem to have a mild anti-inflammatory effect, but there is insufficient evidence that these are useful I the treatment of arthritis. (You should note that cod liver oil is not a source of these oils and should not be taken in large quantities).

Neither is there any evidence that fasting and "cleansing" diets, which are sometimes promoted as methods of treating arthritis, have any long-term benefits. On the contrary, these may lead to malnutrition and health problems.

Glucosamine supplements

There is a certain amount of evidence that glucosamine, in a dose of 1,500mg per day, may help relieve the pain of osteoarthritis, and studies are now underway to try to determine whether this supplement helps preserve or regenerate damaged cartilage. Since glucosamine may affect the action of insulin in the body and may cause digestive upsets and allergic reactions, it should be taken only under medical supervision and avoided entirely if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. The usefulness of other supplements, such as S-adenosylmethionine, chondroitin sulfate, copper, and zinc is uncertain.

Tips for arthritis

If you suspect that a certain food is aggravating your arthritis, try keeping a food diary for a month, writing down everything that you eat and drink, and then see your doctor for advice. If you eliminate a food, be sure to find an alternative source for the nutrients that this food supplies. The best advice is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet, choosing foods low in sugar and fat and including a variety of food from the five major food groups every day. Other general dietary tips for people with arthritis include:

  • Avoid crash dieting or fasting.

  • Increase dietary calcium intake.

  • Drink plenty of nonalcoholic fluids.

  • Keep within a normal weight range.

  • If you do drink alcohol, make sure you do so in moderation.

Cottage cheese on crispbread Maintaining calcium levels is critical for arthritis sufferers, but it is important to choose low-fat dairy products to help control weight.

Friday, July 19, 2013

What Kind of Autoimmune Disorders Can Cause Hair Loss, Shedding, Or Thinning? I'll Tell You

I sometimes get emails from folks who have had a positive ANA (antinuclear antibody test) from blood work or suspect that they have an autoimmune disorder which has contributed to changes in their hair including loss, shedding, thinning, and changes in color and texture. In the following article, I'll go over some well know and not so well known autoimmune conditions that commonly contribute to hair changes or loss and tell you how they often affect the hair and scalp.

Alopecia Areata (AA): When most people think of autoimmune hair loss, AA is typically the first thing that comes to their mind. This condition is known as the reason that Princess Caroline of Monaco temporarily lost her hair. The condition most often presents itself in hair loss that is defined by bald spots that are round and patchy. Often, the hair around the patches is totally normal, but the round patchy areas are smooth and sometimes completely bald.

Another condition that goes hand in hand with AA is alopecia areata universalis. In this case, you will often have hair loss over the entire body including the whole head (often total baldness) as well as other areas like eye lashes, eyebrows, pubic hair, the beard area, the under arms, etc. Sometimes when this process is ongoing, you'll see "exclamation point hairs." These are hairs that are broken off and are tapered so that they are much narrower the closer you get the scalp. They flare out on the broken ends.

There is a lot of controversy over what actually causes AA. Most agree that it is autoimmune in nature, but some believe that it is aggravated by stress, allergies, or viruses. Treatment is often oral steroids, corticosteroid injections, or experimental stimulation of the scalp with herbs like rosemary and lavender.

Lupus And Hair Loss: Probably the second most common autoimmune disorder known to cause hair issues is lupus or systemic lupus erythematosus. Often folks with this condition are affected with a malar rash that can affect the scalp, and cause scarring which can lead to temporary or permanent hair loss. You can see exclamation point hairs with lupus as well.

Thyroid Issues: Graves Disease And Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: Many people who think of thyroid issues and hair loss are aware of hypothyroidism, but many are not aware of the autoimmune thyroid issues. The first of these is graves disease where you will generally see the hair become much more fine and you'll see more pronounced loss. The texture just becomes a lot more limp and unable to hold a style. The stands can become lighter in color also. The opposite is true with Hashimoto's. In this instance, the hair becomes very coarse and dry, but hair loss is accelerated none the less.

Less Well Known Autoimmune Disorders That May Affect The Hair: In truth, almost any disorder that has an autoimmune component can affect the hair or cause thinning, shedding, or loss. This includes things like rheumatoid arthritis, intestinal cystitis and fibromyalgia, (although not every one agrees that these two fall into this category), celiac disease, and guillain-barre syndrome, to name only a few.

Inflammation Lessening Drugs And Hair Loss: Many of the drugs that are given for these disorders are given to reduce the inflammatory process and this actually seems to fit quite nicely with hair loss treatment, as there is almost always an inflammation component to it. However, many of the steroids often used have the unfortunate side effect of more shedding or loss, so often the patient is left wondering if it's the disorder that is affecting their hair or the medication that is being used to treat it. It's often prudent to focus on a healthy diet and healthy, natural ways to support a healthy scalp and reduce inflammation while stimulating healthy regrowth.

Does Low Dose Prednisone Work For Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic progressive autoimmune inflammatory disease that affects multiple organ systems, but the joints in particular. Rheumatoid arthritis also damages and erodes away the cartilage and bones in the affected joints. This erosion cannot be seen by physical examination and is measured by x-rays. More erosion on an x-ray usually means that the disease is progressing or worsening.

Glucocorticoids or corticosteroids such as prednisone are used by some arthritis patients to reduce inflammation and suppress immune system activity. Synthetic corticosteroids, like prednisone, are designed to mimic cortisol action in body. Cortisol is a natural corticosteroid produced by the adrenal glands.

Glucocorticoids have been shown to improve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. There is some debate as to whether glucocorticoids can slow the progression of the disease.

There is also concern about the long term side effects, such as heart problems, when taking glucocorticoids.

Glucocorticoid use in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is common. Two Cochrane Reviews have been published examining the short term clinical benefit of low dose glucocorticoids compared to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They have demonstrated good short term and medium term clinical benefits. The possibility that glucocorticoids may have a "disease modifying" effect in RA, which would be seen by a reduction in the rate of radiological progression, has been suggested by several investigators.

The objectives of the current review was to evaluate glucocorticoid efficacy in inhibiting the progression of radiological damage in rheumatoid arthritis.

This summary of a Cochrane review presents what we know about the effect of low dose glucocorticoids, such as prednisone, on the progression of rheumatoid arthritis.

The studies that were reviewed looked at people who had rheumatoid for up to 2 years. Low doses of glucocorticoid pills were taken and usually with a disease-modifying anti-rheumatoid drug (DMARD).
X-rays were periodically used to assess the progression of joint erosion and other signs of joint damage. Of the studies which were reviewed, all but one concluded that glucocorticoids given along with standard arthritis treatments significantly reduced the rate of joint erosion in rheumatoid arthritis patients. It did not necessarily correlate with long-term improvement in function however.

Bottom line: In people with rheumatoid arthritis, low dose glucocorticoids reduce the progression of RA over a 1 one to two year period.

This benefit occurred in people already taking a disease-modifying anti-rheumatoid drug (DMARD) and therefore this benefit is over and above any benefits from the DMARDs.

These results were true in people that had rheumatoid arthritis for less than 2 years. It seems possible that glucocorticoids would have the same effect in people who have had rheumatoid for 3 to 4 years, but it is not known whether this is true in people who have had it for longer.

The evidence that glucocorticoids, given in addition to standard therapy, can substantially reduce the rate of erosion progression in rheumatoid arthritis is convincing. There is concern about potential long-term adverse reactions to glucocorticoid therapy, such as increased cardiovascular risk and osteoporosis.

(Kirwan JR, Bijlsma JWJ, Boers M, Shea BJ. Effects of glucocorticoids on radiological progression in rheumatoid arthritis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD006356. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006356).

New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel - Mother Nature's Way of Treating Chronic Inflammation

The New Zealand green lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) is common throughout New Zealand, and in fact, it is classed as an introduced pest in Australia. In New Zealand however, these mussels, which are in a family known as "true" mussels, play a significant role in the economy. For the most part, the mussels are nowadays cultivated commercially, although many natives still prefer to gather their own mussels from the intertidal zone along New Zealand's many beaches. Of all known mussel species, these are one of the biggest, frequently reaching a size of 24cm in length.

Okay, now that we know a bit about these mussels, let's take a look at why they have attracted the attention of millions of health conscious people all around the world.

To begin with, they contain a combination of fatty acids unique to this particular species, and of course most of us are already aware of the importance of essential fatty acids. Fatty acids are vital to one's health, but unfortunately the average person's diet does not contain nearly enough. Admittedly, if your only concern is to increase the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, you would more than likely be better off choosing a good quality fish oil supplement since oily fish remains the best source of Omega-3 fatty acids. However, these New Zealand mussels also have other qualities which one won't find in fish oil.

One such quality is the presence of glycosaminoglycan; a polysaccharide widely believed to be capable of repairing damaged joint tissues. Other compounds present in these mussels have also been shown to combat inflammation, To date however, there is still much debate as to whether or not these compounds can be used for treating inflammation caused by arthritis. To be fair, more studies need to be carried out in order to determine how effective these compounds are as far as arthritis treatments are concerned.

If one is willing to look beyond a possible cure for arthritis, it seems evident that New Zealand mussels have without a doubt secured their place in the "natural remedies" market. After all, New Zealand now produces more than 150,000 tons annually, with an estimated value of around 300 million New Zealand dollars.

Quality control and safety standards in New Zealand's mussel industry are reported to be the highest in the world. Both the green lipped mussels and the waters surrounding mussel farms are constantly monitored and tested for the presence of heavy metals, bacteria, and a range of other biotoxins. Standards have to meet the requirements of the New Zealand Food Safety Authority, the European Union, and also the US Food and Drug Administration.

While New Zealand green mussels are being farmed elsewhere as well, one should, in my opinion, only use dietary supplements made from mussels farmed in New Zealand.

Arthritis Joint Pain - Ayurvedic Remedies and Treatments That Work

About 80% of the world population is within the clutches of the ailment called arthritis. Arthritis is characterized by joint inflammation. It is a chronic disorder making mobility, day to day activities and life altogether quite difficult. Pain or arthralgia is the ruling symptom of arthritis, and there is not a single arthritis patient who would not complain of aching joints. Arthritis causes the joints to wear out. To understand the cause of the pain, we have to cast a glance at the structure and functioning of a joint in human body.

A joint is surrounded by a protective cover called capsule. Two bone heads meeting at a joint turn on each other, and the muscles around the joint contract and relax, thereby collectively facilitating movement of the joints. The joint cavity is filled with synovial fluid which acts as a lubricating agent and absorbs the external jerks or shocks. The point where the bone heads meet, cartilages occur. Cartilages play a vital role in inhibiting friction between bones, and provide a padded surface for the free and smooth movement of bones. When the cartilages get damaged or wear out due to factors like aging, obesity, they can no more check bone friction. The bones get rubbed against each other, and may even get eroded to form spur like outgrowths called osteophytes.

The result is an inflamed and painful joint. Aging is a major factor causing arthritis. With age, the cartilages become weak, can no more resist day to day wear and tear, and start flaking. This degeneration leads to loss of cartilage and exposure of bones to friction. If body weight increases, that too can lead to painful joints. The cartilages wear out under the load of the extra body weight, causing arthritis. Apart from the above two factors, heredity, past history of traumatic joint injury or infection, may in course of time, lead to painful joints. Cartilage degeneration is the leading cause of joint pain; but also accumulation of fluids and uric acid crystals within joints can cause arthritis joint pain. Joint pain may even occur when the body's own immune system start consuming the healthy tissues at the joint. This is true in case of rheumatoid arthritis. Knee, hip, shoulder, ankle, wrist and even spine are the joints vulnerable to the attack of arthritis.


1. Excruciating pain at the joints
2. Swelling
3. Stiffness
4. Redness of skin
5. Deformity in the joint area
6. Crepitus or a cracking sound while moving affected joint
7. Constipation
8. Colitis

Rumatone Gold Capsule and Oil are ayurvedic remedies for reducing arthritis joint pain and inflammation. These herbal supplements and massage oil are clinically formulated to ease pain and discomfort associated with arthritis. Rumatone Gold is widely used and trusted ayurvedic remedy to get relief from arthritis symptoms.

Common Elbow Injuries - A List of Elbow Injuries, Symptoms and Treatment

Joints are the body's shocks - they absorb the impact of our falls, runs, jumps and other activities. As the center of articulation between the upper bone of the arm (humerus) and the forearm bones (ulna, radius), the elbow is an important joint for range of motion and mobility; as such, elbow injuries can prove quite a serious hindrance. Those who are at most risk include the elderly and those who are involved in more demanding sports activities such as snowboarding, skiing, mountain climbing, etc.


Elbow dislocation usually occurs when one falls on an outstretched or extended arm, typically while playing contact sports or during a fall. The resulting injury involves acute pain in the elbow as well as a loss of range of motion and extension, it may also appear as though the elbow is deformed or bent awkwardly.

Dislocation can be remedied by re-aligning the elbow joint correctly, a procedure that should only be performed by a medical provider as the patient will need pain medication and an x-ray.


A bone fracture is defined as a break in the continuity of the bone and is usually the result of high force impact or stress. Bone fractures may also be a result of a pre-existing medical condition that weakens the bones such as cancer or osteoporosis.

Much like a dislocation, fractures cause acute, localized pain, swelling, bruising and joint deformity. In the case that you believe you have experienced an elbow fracture, be sure to have it attended to as soon as possible to minimize long term complications. Typically a fracture will need time to heal so the arm may be placed in an arm brace or other elbow support.

Chronic Elbow Injuries

Chronic elbow injuries are conditions that occur over the long term, usually lasting more than 2 weeks, and are accompanied by recurrent pain, stiffness, or loss of motion. These injuries can be the result of repeated injuries, other medical conditions, or previous trauma. One of the most common causes of chronic elbow (and general joint) pain is arthritis. There are three type of arthritis - OA (osteoarthritis), PA (posttraumatic arthritis), and RA (rheumatoid arthritis), all of which may cause recurring elbow pain. Patients with OA may experience a locking or catching sensation in the joint, while those with RA typically experience swelling and joint deformity.

Another familiar chronic elbow injury is tendinitis, the inflammation of a tendon. Tendons are a tough tissue that connect bones to muscles and withstand substantial tension and their inflammation can arise from frequent, physically demanding activity (repetitive motion injury). For example, mountain climbers will typically develop tendinitis in their fingers and elbows while swimmers may develop it in their shoulders.

Symptoms of tendinitis can include stiffness, aches, pains and burning around the inflamed tendon. Fortunately, anti-inflammatory medicines and psychical therapy can alleviate pain and injury. Rest, ice, compression and elevation are the four main components to recovery from tendinitis. Using cold therapy to keep swelling and inflammation at bay can alleviate pain and minimize long term damage.

Keep in mind that older adults are at higher risk for elbow injuries and fractures because they lose muscle mass and bone strength as they age. Vision and balance problems may also contribute to falling and injuries.

Arthritis and the Lower Back Pain Relation

Arthritis is one of the most pervasive diseases in the United States and is the leading cause of disability. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention one out of every three Americans is affected by one of the more than 100 types of arthritis. Arthritis simply means a painful condition of the joints. There are different types of the disease - many inflammatory and others more degenerative in nature. Across the world there are 350 million people suffer from the chronic joint inflammation of Arthritis. In US the number reaches to the 37 to 40 million. All of us know that there should the joint pain that is accompanied by the arthritis. The joint pain referred as the arthralgia. To suppress the join pain all of the people search for the natural arthritis treatment.

There are many forms of arthritis (over one hundred and growing). The forms range from those related to wear and tear of cartilage (such as osteoarthritis) to those associated with inflammation resulting from an over-active immune system (like rheumatoid arthritis).Together, the many forms of arthritis make up the most common chronic illness in the United States. People are spontaneous to react in way of finding the treatment of arthritis symptoms and anxiety of its various forms.

In the world there are two types of arthritis- 1) Osteoarthritis and 2) Rheumatoid arthritis. The Osteoarthritis mainly affects the cartilages of or around the bones. The cartilages provide the bone with the cushion and thus to protect it from the rubbing friction. On the other hand the Rheumatoid arthritis is the joint chronic inflammation that also the affect the body autoimmune system. Rheumatoid arthritis is also the main disease that causes the pain in or around the joints. Only the arthritis low back pain relief is the main pain suppression methodology for both of the arthritis. Here Autoimmune disease must be explained. The autoimmune disease is that illness by the blood antibody or the cells whose main job is to seeking and destroying body invaders preferably the infections mistakenly attack the body tissues.

For most people arthritis pain and inflammation cannot be avoided as the body ages. In fact, most people over the age of 50 show some signs of arthritis. Joints naturally degenerate over time. Fortunately, arthritis can be managed through a combination of medication, exercise, rest, weight-management, nutrition, and, in some cases, surgery. Your doctor can tell if you have arthritis through blood tests and x-rays. He or she will then be able to help you decide on the best treatment for arthritis for your case.

Why Do People With Rheumatoid Arthritis Die?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is not just a joint disease. It is a systemic illness which can kill. Studies have shown that RA has a significant mortality attached to it. Consider this: In the mid to late 1980's, a middle-aged man with RA could expect to have the same life expectancy as if he had non-Hodgkins lymphoma or triple-vessel coronary artery disease.

While these sobering statistics have changed somewhat for the better, the mortality picture for patients with RA is still not rosy.

Why does this increased mortality occur? Because it is a systemic disease, RA can lead to complications. One such complication is vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels). In inflammation of blood vessels occurs in a major organ such as the brain or heart, a significant problem can occur. Inflammation of the eyes can lead to blindness. And RA involvement of the spine- particularly in the neck- can cause compression of the spinal cord. RA patients may develop significant lung disease with progressive interstitial problems leading to end-stage lung function.

Unfortunately, some of the medicines used to treat the symptoms of RA can also impair kidney function.

Patients with RA are also at increased risk for developing lymphoma.

The disability that occurs with poorly treated RA is in itself a cause of increased mortality.

The major discovery though has been the observation that RA patients are at markedly increased risk for developing significant early cardiovascular disease. Early cardiovascular mortality appears now to be the most significant factor leading to the shortened lifespan seen in patients with RA.

Why this occurs is still not clear. The major contributing factor appears to be the chronic inflammation associated with inadequately controlled RA. It is a subject of intense research now to see whether the more aggressive treatments that are being used will lower mortality by suppressing disease activity.

Patients with RA who have other cardiovascular risk factors such as elevated blood lipids, hypertension, cigarette smoking, etc. should be evaluated carefully. These other risk factors must be controlled or removed.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Proven Arthritis Remedies

Arthritis is a serious and painful disease but rarely fatal. Arthritis attacks the joints and the surrounding muscle and connective tissue causing swelling, inflammation and pain. Arthritis forms as a result of a broken bone that may have knitted itself back together but never fully healed, general wear and tear on the body or an autoimmune disease. While arthritis cannot be cured except through surgery, the pain and discomfort can be managed. Not all treatments work for all arthritis sufferers and some find a combination of treatments work effectively. Here are a few arthritis remedies you can try at home to help manage the pain and discomfort of arthritis.

Weight on the knee joints causes swelling and pain. An overweight person should consider weight loss. The extra pounds will put as much as 4 times the stress on your knee joints. Even a small amount of weight loss will give your knees relief. Losing as little as 11 pounds can improve joint health and lessen the risk of developing osteoarthritis by as much as 50 percent. You will also feel better too.

A change in diet can help reduce arthritis pain. Certain foods are linked to rheumatoid arthritis, especially those in the nightshade family of plants. Tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes and peppers may cause allergic reactions and increase the discomfort of arthritis for some people. Experiment by removing these foods one at a time to see what makes your arthritis improve or worsen and then adjust your diet accordingly.

Studies show that vegetable oils, which contain omega-6 fatty acids, can aggravate arthritis symptoms. Experiment by eliminating or cutting back on your salad dressing, margarine, fried foods, olives, corn and canola oil. If any of those foods adversely affects your arthritis, remove them from your diet or consume them sparingly.

Research shows that rheumatoid arthritis is linked to a vitamin C deficiency. Taking a total dose of 500mg of vitamin C in small doses throughout the day will provide the vitamin necessary to minimize the effects of arthritis.

Juices high in inflammatory nutrients such as beta-carotene and copper should be included in diets of those with rheumatoid arthritis. Beta-carotene is found in parsley, broccoli and spinach and copper is found in carrots, apples and ginger. Pineapple juice is rich in the enzyme bromelain which has strong inflammatory properties.

Bathing in Epsom Salt, which contains magnesium sulfate, is very relaxing. The magnesium has both anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties and is absorbed through the skin. Magnesium is one of the most important and essential minerals in the human body and most commonly deficient in the American diet. A New England remedy for arthritis is a hot bath in Epsom Salt. The heat of the bath increases blood circulation and reduces swelling as well as relaxes muscles.

Strength training will boost your metabolism and do wonders for your body as well. Lifting weights creates denser bones and builds stronger muscles which in turn helps protect your joints.

Consider adding a supplement to your health routine such as Glucosamine. It is made from the shells of crab, lobster and shrimp and has been shown to ease joint pain and stiffness. Some studies suggest it may contribute to cartilage repair.

There you have it. A few arthritis remedies proven to help arthritis sufferers. With some trial and error you will find the most beneficial and helpful to you.

An Introduction to Arthritis

If your joints are painful after a mild workout or you find it difficult to move in the morning, you may have arthritis. However, if you know what you should do about it, you need not worry.

Know that one of the first symptoms of arthritis is pain and stiffness- especially in the morning and after exercise. There are many different types of Arthritis, however in this article we will talk about the two most common types -- osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is sometimes called degenerative arthritis. The impact of it is felt on the weight bearing joints, hips, knees and back. It also frequently occurs in the joints of the hand and knuckles. Osteoarthritis is the deterioration of the cartilage that protects the ends of bones. It is mostly caused due to wear and tear from ageing, diet and lifestyle, though sometimes it may occur due to injury. This type of arthritis rarely occurs before age 40, and affects nearly everyone over 60 years.

Rheumatoid arthritis can start at any age, including childhood. It is caused by physical or emotional stress,
poor nutrition, bacterial infections, or genetics. It is an inflammation disorder of the immune system. That means it is a 'self-attacking-self' disease. It happens when the body's immune system improperly identifies the synovial membrane as a foreign substance. Consequently, the joint swells up, and damages the cartilage and tissues around the joint.

Rheumatoid arthritis is determined by using a combination of medical tests. While a blood test will indicate the probability of the presence of the disease, X-rays, MRI scans and bone scans are used to visualize the joints to check the severity and progression of arthritis.

Once a diagnosis is confirmed, the doctors have a wide variety of treatment options to slow the progression and maintain mobility. They choose the one that promises the best results depending on other aspects of the patient's health.

Arthritis is not a new disease and much research has been done and is still being done to find a cure. This ongoing research is financed by The Arthritis Society. They track research trials and the latest breakthroughs on the medical front. They publish these latest finding on their website, as well as in their newsletter. If you have arthritis, you might want to research their website.

Alternate medicines have been found to be quite beneficial for arthritis. This includes physical therapy, whirlpool treatments, thermotherapy (moist heat), and joint exercises are used to increase mobility and prevent complications. Cold gel packs can relieve the pain of inflamed joints. A hot morning shower will often relieve morning stiffness.

You can reduce inflammation through certain foods in a natural way. For instance, a daily dose of 20 tart red cherries or fresh pineapple can relieve pain and inflammation. If you add asparagus, eggs, garlic and onions to your diet, you will be able to help your body repair and rebuild bone and cartilage. Other beneficial foods include leafy green vegetables, non-acidic fresh fruits, oatmeal, brown rice and fish.

You also need to watch out for allergies; they can trigger inflammation, and aggravate arthritis symptoms. So, if you have neck and back pain you must eliminate certain foods that you are allergic to.

Of course, there is nothing like regular, moderate exercise, such as walking or swimming for reducing pain and slowing the deterioration of joints. If you have excess weight, you need to work on it but when doing in any strenuous physical activity, remember to take rest in between so that you keep your strength, without damaging your joints.

Finally, when you see the first symptoms of arthritis, make an appointment with your doctor to find out for sure. Don't ignore it or wait for surer signs. You might wait too long; the sooner you take care of your joints the better.

Debilitating Disease Arthritis and the Treatments of Arthritis Symptoms and Anxiety

Inflammation in the bone joints and its associated part is commonly referred as the Arthritis. The term "arthritis" looks in singular number though, it comprises of more than chronic 150 disorders of the rheumatoid disease. All these disorders take the full toll of the human life. Some time it confined the human body from his daily activities. At these points of time people search for the treatment for the arthritis symptoms and the anxiety.

The main symptoms of arthritis are the inflammation of various joints, stiffness, and swelling associated with redness and warmth. Due to all these symptoms people have the restrictive movements for long time. Tenderness of the joints can be present along with the temperature. The many forms of arthritis can involve symptoms affecting various organs of the body that do not directly involve the joints. Symptoms in some patients can also include non-specific fever, weight loss, fatigue and feeling unwell and the patients are bound to have the arthritis best treatment in order to suppressing the pain and inflammation in the joints.

The disease arthritis is commonly of three kinds. These are Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and the Gout. There is some more type of arthritis along all these. These are Fibromyalgia, infectious arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and lupus.

Osteoarthritis is the most common among all the arthritis that are found among the people. More than 21 million people suffer from the disease Osteoarthritis. The most common reason behind Osteoarthritis is the repetitive movement of a particular organ. Osteoarthritis mainly affects the cartilages. Cartilages provide with the cushion for the bone-joint to avoid friction during the time of the movement. Cartilages are being decayed off by the invasion of the osteoarthritis.

In many cases what happen that a number of childhood injuries may turn into the Osteoarthritis. Low back relief is the major concern for the people who are affected with this. Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects joints in the body. It can involve any joint, but usually concerns hands and weight-bearing joints such as hips, knees, feet and spine.

Rheumatoid arthritis is the most deadly among all the arthritis. Generally it is know as the autoimmune disease. With rheumatoid arthritis, the antibodies attack the membranes around the joints that cause swelling, pain and stiffness. In some cases, rheumatoid arthritis can cause deformity. Rheumatoid arthritis also causes inflammation of the sheaths around the tendons, the one that join muscles to bones.

Coping with arthritis and its associated symptoms can be minimized with the proper arthritis vitamin supplements and the dietary changes and the some physical work out.

How To Live a Happy, Healthy, Pain-Free Life With Rheumatoid Arthritis

I was never a really healthy kid. From the time I was 13 years old in 1983, I had been in and out of the hospital many times with various health problems. I knew more doctors and nurses by first name than I knew kids my own age!

Doctors diagnosed me as enemic, and put me on iron suppliments. They thought at one time that I had Rheumatic Fever. I didn't even know what that was at 13 years old.

I started having joint inflammation off and on when I was fourteen, and this continued until I was seventeen. I had been tested for Rheumatoid Arthritis at the age of fifteen, but the test came back negative.

Finally, when I was seventeen years old, I was tested again, and the test came back positive for RA. I was immediately started on NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

In 1987, doctors didn't know that they needed to be aggressive from the get-go with drug therapy in order to stop this terrible disease. As a result of that, I suffered tremendously. I would end up having 12 surgeries to replace or repair joints!

I took the NSAIDs until I was eighteen, and was finally started on gold injections. Finally, when I was twenty years old, I was started on Methotrexate and Prednisone.

It wasn't until I was twenty-nine years old that I was started on REALLY aggressive drugs as soon as they were made available. That year, 1999, I was started on Enbrel shots. Finally, in 2003, I was started on Remicade infusions.

I am making it all sound simple, but there is was more that has happened to me in the last 20 years since I was diagnosed. I have been through alcoholism, severe depression, psychiatry, counseling, tons of dangerous medications, physical therapy, and lots more.

Just in the last year or two alone, I have learned how to live a happy, healthy, pain-free life with Rheumatoid Arthritis, and I can show you how to do the same.

Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatments - Healing Power and Its Wide Range

Acupuncture and Moxibustion is a medical treatment that has been practiced for thousands of years in China and other Asian countries as well as now around the world. It is used as a means of treating and preventing disease. Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific sites (acupuncture points) along the body's meridians to clear energy blockages and encourage the normal flow of energy (Qi) through the individual.

The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow (Qi) through the body that are essential for health. Disruptions of this flow are believed to be responsible for disease. Acupuncture corrects imbalances of flow at identifiable points close to the skin. Today, acupuncture is an effective, natural and increasingly popular form of health care that is used by people whole over the world.

Acupuncture needles are so fine that there is no discomfort when they are inserted but a slight tingle (known as needle sensation) may be experienced. The needles are usually left in for approximately twenty minutes to more; during this time there may be a heaviness of the limbs and a feeling of relaxation. The Doctor / practitioner may also stimulate the acupuncture points using other methods, such as moxibustion (a traditional technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb used to facilitate healing), cupping and electro-stimulation etc. in order to re-establish the flow of qi.

Since Acupuncture and moxibustion Medicine promotes the body's natural healing ability, many conditions can be treated. It is also a comprehensive system of preventative health care and maintenance. The effectiveness of acupuncture is well-documented. Throughout its long history, acupuncture has established a solid reputation as an excellent alternative for health care that actually works, and is very effective to treat some diseases, where other methods of treatment could not achieve good result or failed.

An Acupuncture medicine doctor should possess adequate knowledge and experience for providing proper treatment to his/her patients. To avoid the unwanted complications in Acupuncture treatment please avoid taking treatment by quack / fake Acupuncturist. There are many around us without proper qualifications. Because inadequate knowledge and experience may lead to serious medical problems.

The World Health Organization recognizes Acupuncture as a viable means of treatment for a wide range of conditions. In an official report, Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials, the WHO has listed the following symptoms, diseases and conditions that have been shown through controlled trials to be treated effectively by acupuncture:

low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, tennis elbow, knee pain, periarthritis of the shoulder, sprains, facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders), headache, dental pain, tempromandibular (TMJ) dysfunction, rheumatoid arthritis, induction of labor, correction of malposition of fetus (breech presentation), morning sickness, nausea and vomiting, postoperative pain, stroke, essential hypertension, primary hypotension, renal colic, leucopenia, adverse reactions to radiation or chemotherapy, allergic rhinitis, including hay fever, biliary colic, depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke), acute bacillary dysentery, primary dysmenorrhea, acute epigastralgia, peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis.

In the field of acupuncture some good clinical researches have been completed, and there has also been some follow-up assessment of many of the conditions that have been treated by Acupuncture Doctors. Some diseases are more successfully treated by acupuncture and Moxibustion where other methods of treatment could not achieve good result or failed. Though this method of treatment has already been started in our country but due to quite less number of medically qualified acupuncture doctors available in our country and lack of proper perception about the application of this method in some specific diseases, the patients are depriving from the advantages of Acupuncture & Moxibustion treatment.

So, I have made an attempt to provide little information about the effects of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in few diseases. Many of the facts and figures quoted in the following sections are the results of my own experience and clinical trials carried out in China and others countries.

Diseases of the Muscles, Bones and Joints:
The muscles, bones and joints are usually called collectively the musculo-skeletal system. When disease or damage occurs to this system it nearly always results in pain, and most people use words such as rheumatism or arthritis to describe this type of pain.

There are three main types of damage that occur to the musculo-skeletal system; the first is a sudden injury or sprain which might be a domestic injury, or might be incurred during a sporting activity or in a car accident. This usually causes local pain and bruising lasting for a few days, or even a few weeks or more. The other main group is arthritis and this can be divided into two important types, Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Sprains: Sudden injury or sprains usually respond well to acupuncture. The pain resulting from a sprained shoulder, ankle etc will often continue for some days or weeks after the initial injury. Once a clear diagnosis has been made acupuncture can usually be used to relieve this type of pain.

The experience of a many of Acupuncture doctors, shows that, of the people treated for differing acutely painful conditions, about 70 percent obtain swift and significant pain relief. If a fracture of the bone is present then the pain relief gained from acupuncture is less effective than if the injury is due to a strain or tear of the muscles, tendons or ligaments. The main advantage of treating these acute pains with acupuncture is that chronic pain can be avoided. A sudden shoulder injury may produce pain and immobility for many months, sometimes years, but if acupuncture is used when the pain occurs then it seems that chronic pain may be avoided.

Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis and the rheumatic pains that result from this type of joint damage are quite a common problem. People frequently complain that their arthritic knee pain is worse in cold or damp weather and this demonstrates quite clearly the origin of the concept of pathogens in traditional medicine. The pathogen in osteoarthritis is almost always cold or damp and therefore these pains should be treated by moxibustion.

A great deal of research work has been done to investigate the effects of acupuncture on the pain caused by osteoarthritis. Clinical trials have been completed on knee, hip, elbow, neck and lower back pain, and the information from these trials shows that significant pain relief can be achieved in about 70 per cent of those who receive acupuncture. Some work suggests that only 50 per cent of people benefit from acupuncture while other trials show 95 per cent of the patients benefiting. Acupuncture also has a 'magical quality' that drugs do not have, so it is difficult to sort out the effects of the 'magic' as compared to the real effects of acupuncture. In spite of these problems, acupuncture is a safe and effective form of treatment for osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: The effects of acupuncture on rheumatoid arthritis are not so clear cut. During the early, acute, inflammatory stage of rheumatoid arthritis there is some evidence to suggest that Acupuncture might worsen the pain (though which usually may subside gradually) and therefore many acupuncturists do not treat acute rheumatoid arthritis. After some months the acute inflammatory stage subsides and the residual joint destruction may then lead to the development of a secondary osteoarthritis. This type of pain is amenable to acupuncture and responds in the same way as other osteoarthritic aches and pains. Chronic pain, due to disease of the musculo-skeletal system, is frequently amenable to acupuncture treatment. The published research shows that pain which has been present for many years can respond as well as pain that has been present for only a few months; therefore, from the available information, it is fair to say that acupuncture is 'always worth a try' in this type of condition.

Headaches: Headaches can be due to a multitude of factors; arthritis of the neck, dental problems, psychological problems, sinusitis, stress and tension, and head injury are a few of the many causes. Headaches are a common complaint and a notoriously difficult one to treat effectively, and they can be the cause of a considerable amount of distress and marital disharmony. Acupuncture treatment has been used to treat a wide variety of headaches, particularly migrainous headaches, and the results obtained have been very encouraging. The published work suggests that between 65-95 per cent of all headache sufferers obtain significant and long lasting pain relief from acupuncture treatment. Migraines seem to respond as well as, if not better than, other types of headache. Acupuncture therapy for headaches may cause the headaches to vanish completely, or occur with a markedly decreased intensity and/or frequency. The pain relief resulting from acupuncture treatment can sometimes be maintained for some years and re-treatment is usually required less frequently for headaches.

Diseases of the Nervous System:

Strokes: A stroke is caused by a disturbance of the blood supply to the brain. The blood vessels that normally supply blood to the brain can be compromised by becoming blocked or bleeding. This result in a deficient blood supply to the brain tissue and these events can be precipitated by a variety of factors such as raised blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and severe head injury. The brain is divided into many different functional areas, one area controlling speech, while another dominates the sensations of touch and pain. The functional impairment that occurs with a stroke depends on the area of the brain that is damaged; if the speech area is damaged by a lack of blood supply then the patient may be unable to speak properly. In China, acupuncture is the standard treatment for strokes. In the Western countries, the mainstays of stroke treatment are speech therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, but the Chinese feel that these methods have less to offer than acupuncture medicine. Both scalp and body acupuncture are techniques that can be used to aid recovery from a stroke. The research work suggests that acupuncture increases the blood supply to the brain, and for some unexplained reason this seems to improve functional ability and acts as a stimulus to recovery after a stroke.

Clinical trials completed by the Chinese doctor's state that some effect can be gained from acupuncture in about 80 per cent of strokes. The success rate claimed is very high but to some extent this success rate is mirrored by the experience of a variety of doctors in the West. Western medicine often has little to offer the stroke patient and therefore acupuncture therapy is always worth considering. Ideally strokes should be treated within six months of the damage occurring. The Chinese doctors also treat their patients for long periods and a stroke patient may receive one hundred or two hundred acupuncture treatment sessions before being declared a success or a failure.

The Neuralgias (Nerve Pain): Trigeminal neuralgia usually presents with severe unilateral facial pain. Its cause is unclear but the painful facial spasms are often precipitated by cold or wind. The Chinese acupuncturist claim to be able to gain improvement, with acupuncture, in about 70 per cent of cases of trigeminal neuralgia. Judging by the experience of Western acupuncturists this success rate represents a rather high figure, although acupuncture can undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on this type of pain.

Postherpetic neuralgia is the pain that occurs after an attack of shingles. Shingles is a viral infection of the nerves, and the nerves affected by shingles can occasionally continue to cause severe pain after the shingles has cleared. It seems that of those patients with established postherpetic neuralgia, about 40 per cent gain some degree of long term benefit from acupuncture treatment. There are a vast number of aches and pains that are often described as neuralgic. Many of these occur as facial pain and most of them cause severe discomfort. It is always worthwhile to attempt to alleviate these pains by using acupuncture treatment.

Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and Other Nervous Disorders: It is difficult to be objective about the treatment of disorders such as anxiety, Insomnia and depression, as the problems themselves are difficult to assess objectively, and therefore no good clear figures are available about their treatment with acupuncture. In spite of this, many acupuncture doctors, including the Chinese, treat a wide range of 'mental disorders' and insomnia (sleep problem) with acupuncture. Many people have stated that acupuncture is clearly effective in helping symptoms such as insomnia and bed-wetting, and can also create a feeling of general well-being. The Chinese doctors have completed trials on some of the more clearly defined and serious mental diseases, such as schizophrenia. In a trial involving over 400 patients they claim a 54 per cent cure rate for this disease, with a further 30 per cent showing 'significant improvement'. However, from a variety of excellent research papers it is clear that acupuncture can influence quite radically many areas of the central nervous system, as well as neurotransmitters and others brain functions also. Therefore this therapy has a great role in brain related problems or neuro-developmental dysfunction.

Nerve Paralysis: Paralysis can also be treated by a variety of acupuncture techniques. The acupuncture must be continued for a long period. Sometimes daily for six months and the results from some of the Chinese research works are very encouraging. Chinese doctors claim that some 50-60 per cent of patients are likely to gain significant return of function if treated with acupuncture.
Facial paralysis (Bell's palsy) is a disease of sudden onset that causes one side of the face to lose muscular power; the cause of this is unknown. Acupuncture and moxibustion can be used to treat this and the research claim a 75 per cent complete recovery rate but, again, this disease allows a significant percentage of spontaneous recovery. The Chinese research also claim that a further 20 per cent gain benefit from acupuncture, although not complete recovery. Even allowing for the known level of spontaneous resolution in facial paralysis it does seem that acupuncture has something extra to offer.

Parkinson's disease, Epilepsy, nerve deafness etc: Acupuncture has been claimed to be effective in Parkinson's disease, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, nerve deafness, and a large variety of other problems. According to some studies, Parkinson's disease may be accompanied by an imbalance of energy along one or more meridians. The muscle stiffness, soreness, imbalance etc. of Parkinson's may be alleviated by a series of treatments. It is always wise to remember that acupuncture is a harmless technique and can sometimes give excellent results in above casese where other medical methods have failed.

Autism /ASD, Cerebral Palsy etc: Acupuncture along with herbal therapy have been found highly effective for treating children with brain dysfunction, resulting in improvement in the patient's overall functional abilities. Excellent results are being achieved through simultaneous application of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine in the cases of ASD / Autism and Cerebral Palsy in different countries of the world. There are several research papers, articles etc. that has been published all over the world about the efficacy of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicines in this context. In my clinical practice I am also getting very effective result by applying integration of Acupuncture and Herbal treatment. I noticed that, formulated Herbal Medicine along with acupuncture session gives much result other than only Acupuncture treatment or only Herbal Medicine. Like other diseases, I treated several patients. Some of them improved tremendously just after few days of treatment.

ADD and ADHD: Acupuncture can help the patient to manage the Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), and may provide some relief which will help the patient to gain greater benefit from the therapies available to him or her, and can help with the side effects of those therapies. Taking advantage of everything the medical knowledge of both hemispheres has to offer is a great way to ensure the most effective treatment for this disruptive, often limiting and painful condition. Acupuncture can be an excellent complementary therapy for the treatment of ADD and ADHD. In some cases Acupuncture works as a magic bullet for the treatment of ADD and ADHD. A research showed that, Acupuncture treatment has a good effect on infantile attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, its total effective rate was higher and the changes in abnormal electroencephalogram and the curative effect were better.

Diseases of the Digestive System:
IBS: An increasing number of studies have been conducted on treating IBS, with promising results. These studies have documented that Chinese medicine can effectively treat IBS in a safe and drug-free way.

Indigestion: Exact figures for success rates are not available, but the 'clinical impression' that arises from a number of acupuncture doctors indicates that about 60 per cent of patients gain some long-term relief of their symptoms with acupuncture.

Diseases of the Respiratory System:

Asthma: Acupuncture causes the contracted muscular walls to dilate; the mechanism of this is unknown, but there is good Western research data to support this claim. A recent Chinese clinical trial on asthma showed that some 70 percent of asthmatics gained a 'very good effect' from acupuncture and moxibustion. The acupuncture treatment was able to decrease the frequency and intensity of asthmatic attacks over a period of a year or more. This result is encouraging as it shows that acupuncture and moxibustion can affect the response of the body to the environmental stimuli causing asthmatic attacks. Our clinical experience also supports this efficacy of Acupuncture and Moxibustion medicine.

Bronchitis: Acupuncture cannot rebuild lung tissue, but by opening up the breathing tubes it can allow the remaining lung tissue to function efficiently. The mechanism of acupuncture in bronchitis is probably much the same as in asthma, allowing more air to enter the lungs. Recent Chinese research works has shown that about 50 per cent of bronchitis 'benefit' from acupuncture. The treatment must be repeated regularly if the effect is to be maintained for long period. On the other hand acupuncture treatment also help to control the infection effectively in bronchitis.

Diseases of the Heart and Blood Vessels:
In China it is a common and acceptable form of treatment for some of these problems. A variety of experiments carried out in the western countries give clear support to the idea that acupuncture does have an effect on the circulatory system.

Angina: Using sophisticated measuring equipment the Chinese researchers have completed a variety of trials to assess the effects of acupuncture on the heart, and they have shown a marked increase in the functional ability and efficiency of the heart muscles after acupuncture. This is further supported by clinical work, which shows that some 80 per cent of patients with angina have improved after acupuncture. When acupuncture is used to treat angina a course of treatments is given, and then followed by booster treatments.

The Correction of Abnormal Heart Rhythms: Heart diseases can frequently cause an abnormal rhythm to the heart beat; this may manifest itself as palpitations, an irregular heart beat, or dropped beats. Acupuncture can correct a small number of these arrhythmias. In established atrial fibrillation (irregular heart beats), acupuncture affects a small percentage of cases, some 1.5 per cent, although in recently acquired arrhythmias, acupuncture can be effective in up to 70 per cent of cases.

The Use of Acupuncture in Addiction and Obesity:
A large number of Western countries acupuncturists are using a variety of acupuncture techniques to treat obesity, smoking and hard drug addiction. There is some excellent physiological and clinical evidence to support the use of acupuncture method in these areas. The withdrawal symptoms experienced by people giving up smoking, or drugs, can be alleviated by raising the levels of endorphins in the nervous system. Some people believe that the desire to eat is also mediated by the endorphin level in the brain. It is clear that endorphin levels throughout the nervous system can be increased by Acupuncture. The techniques used to achieve an increase in endorphin levels center around the use of ear acupuncture. It must be stressed that acupuncture cannot replace willpower. It can only help the withdrawal symptoms, or hunger pains, experienced by those already motivated and committed to solving their particular problem.

Obesity: Acupuncture seems to relieve the problem of hunger usually created by dieting. Many people who receive acupuncture to help with weight loss also go on a diet at the same time. It is difficult to assess exactly which factors are responsible for weight loss, the acupuncture or the diet, or both in combination. Most acupuncturists claim that 40-50 per cent of their patients experience some significant weight loss during treatment.

Hard Drug Addiction: Some excellent research work has been done in this field, especially in Hong Kong. It is clear that acupuncture can help to solve the severe withdrawal symptoms experienced by those coming off hard drugs like heroin.

Acupuncture treatment helps about 40 per cent of people to give up smoking over a period of about six months. Again, it is essential to be well motivated before embarking on a course of treatment. Acupuncture does seem to decrease the desire to smoke and also to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms produced by abstinence from tobacco.

Reduce the Discomforts and Side Effects of Chemo/Radiotherapy for Cancer:
The effect of acupuncture on chemotherapy-induced nausea, vomiting etc. has been studied over the past 20 years, and clinical evidence gathered to date has been favorable. Current practice guidelines recommend acupuncture as a complementary therapy for uncontrolled nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy.

The Use of Acupuncture in Obstetrics:
In China the major use of acupuncture in obstetrics is to provide analgesia (pain relief) during Caesarean section, and to correct foetal malpositions, such as breech (breech means when the baby is 'bottom first' rather than 'head first').

Fertility and Gynecologic Problems:
Women who are having problems with conception, premenstrual symptoms or menopausal issues will often see positive results with Acupuncture medicine. It may be possible to reduce or eliminate the need for Western pharmaceuticals. If drugs or hormones must be used, side effects may be reduced. For women who are experiencing disorders of conception, my own experience suggests that acupuncture and Herbal medicine is more effective and much less unpleasant and dangerous than hormonal treatments or in vitro fertilization procedures.

Foetal Malposition:
The correction of foetal malposition is achieved by applying moxibustion to an acupuncture point. In about 60 percent of women the foetus turns naturally prior to the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy; this can be increased to 90 per cent with the aid of moxibustion. After the thirty-fourth week, when natural version is less likely, the Chinese claim that 80 per cent of foetal malpositions will be corrected permanently by this procedure. Once corrected, the malposition does not recur, provided moxibustion is applied daily. There seems to be no available physiological basis with which to explain this finding.

Anaesthesia for Labour and Delivery:
Acupuncture anaesthesia is widely used for caesarean sections in China. A report recently published, discusses the results of 1,000 cases managed in this manner. The Chinese Acupuncturist claim a 98 per cent success rate in the abolition of pain, a quicker recovery rate from the operation, less blood loss, and the obvious advantage of the mother being able to see the baby at, or soon after, birth. This report finds acupuncture a superior form of analgesia compared to other forms of pain relief (general or epidural anaesthesia) for caesarean section. Acupuncture can also be used to provide pain relief in normal obstetric deliveries. Adequate assessment of this form of obstetric analgesia has not yet been published, although the experience of a wide variety of acupuncturists in the western world would indicate that it is a useful and effective procedure.

Acupuncture Anaesthesia:
Acupuncture anaesthesia is widely used in China and it has been used in a wide variety of operations, from minor procedures to open heart surgery or brain operations. It is undoubtedly an effective form of pain relief in the majority of people, but there is always a small percentage who fail to gain adequate analgesia from acupuncture. In general, acupuncture allows for a safer operation, with less likelihood of complications, and a swifter post-operative recovery. (Excerpted from Acupuncture: It's Place in Western Medical Science, George T. Lewith M.A., M.R.C.G.P., M.R.C.P. )

Physical Therapy and Exercise For Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition that can cause stiffness, pain and swelling in joints and other supporting structures of the body such as bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Some forms of arthritis may affect other parts of the body, including various internal organs. There are many different types of arthritis including osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease), rheumatoid arthritis psoriatic arthritis gouty arthritis and septic arthritis Arthritis can affect anyone at any age. Arthritis treatment often includes physical therapy and exercise. Physical therapy and exercise can help arthritis sufferers in many ways. The primary goal is to improve functional capacity to help reduce pain and fatigue associated with daily activities. Increasing the range of motion of a joint is the primary focus of physical therapy.

Physical therapy and exercise for arthritis focuses on pain relief, and in restoring function and movement. Physical therapy programs may provide therapeutic methods, including physical techniques and activity modifications. A physical therapy program consisting of manual therapy and exercise benefits patients with arthritis.

Gentle exercise helps to prevent bone loss and osteoporosis. Lifting weights is a beneficial exercise for arthritis and for joint support. Physical therapy and exercise reduces joint pain and stiffness, builds strong muscle around the joints, and increases flexibility, muscle strength, cardiac fitness, and endurance.

Some of the exercises prescribed for people with arthritis:

o Range-of-motion exercises (stretching or flexibility exercises)
o Strengthening exercises
o Water exercises
o Recreational exercises
o Endurance or aerobic exercises

Physical therapy and exercise helps to:

o Maintain normal joint movement
o Strengthen muscles around the joints
o Strengthen and maintain bone and cartilage tissue
o Improve overall ability to do everyday activities
o Maintain weight to reduce pressure on joints
o Keep bone and cartilage tissue strong and healthy

Depending on the severity of arthritis, a physical therapist may suggest either isometric or isotonic exercises. A combination of manual physical therapy and exercise is more effective to reduce pain, dysfunction and stiffness in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Eliminating Certain Foods From the Diet Can Reverse Arthritis

It has been found over the years that eliminating certain foods from the diet and including others can help you eat away arthritis.

This is one of the good news messages out there of the quick growth of healing called alternative or natural healing medicine.

Looking To Alternative Methods

People today are taking a closer look at healing through alternatives methods to the tune of 20 billion dollars annually. The thought wave is the high cost of drugs and their side effects in the treatment, with the many different side effects, is not worth the cost or trouble when severe damage may be done. Natural healing medicine is a lot less expensive and there are no side effects in most cases when taken as directed.

The Arthritis Foundation

The Arthritis Foundation for many years has been warning the public that arthritis is an incurable disease and only by using what they recommend can symptoms be suppressed. They tell the public that the disease is always there ready to flare up at any time. To make you feel even worse if you have it the Arthritis Foundation tells us the the disease will be epidemic in the future unless proper funding actions are taken now to limit its impact.

Rheumatologists Say

According to rheumatologists associated with the foundation the cause of the disease remains unclear, while only theories and not fact continue to mount. Arthritis today has become a collective name for the hundred or so many different varieties of arthritis. According to the foundation there are no drugs out there today that can cure the disease. Perhaps they are making these dreadful predictions to keep the research money rolling in and their jobs secure.

The Arthritis Foundation admits that people who are over weight provokes osteoarthritis and includes fish oils, fasting and food allergy as possible treatments for arthritis. They flatly state, however, no diet or food has any important beneficial or causative effect on the disease of arthritis.

Much Information Emerges

Much new information began to emerge in the late 1970's from research institutions, medical centers and universities that has made the informational seeking public re-evaluate almost everything we previously knew about the destructive disease. This intensive research continues today and finally its ideas are sinking into the conventional wisdom of arthritic treatment.

Today there has been convincing clinical proof from various branches of medicine that various foods are a contributing cause of arthritic disease. More importantly there is now convincing evidence that healthy joints are dependent on gastrointestinal health and well being.

Double Blind Study

There was a double blind study done in late 1979 by Dr. Anthony Conte, a Pittsburg nutritionist, and his associate Dr. Marshall Mandell, a well know allergist, that provide evidence that arthritis can be in may cases, an allergy related disease that can be treated by simply avoiding certain common foods.

Another research study was done by a Dr. Robert Stroud, a prominent rheumatologist at the University of Alabama School of Medicine, stating that patients with arthritic disease respond very well when certain foods are completely eliminated from their diet. He also discovered that during a fast arthritic symptoms completely clear up and become non-existent. This should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that arthritis is food related. Unfortunately you cannot fast forever.

Expansion On The Food Allergy Theory

In recent years scientists have expanded on the food allergy theory using diet to treat rheumatoid arthritis. In an ongoing experiment Drs. L.G. Darlington and N.W.Ramsey from Epsom General Hospital in England took 100 patients and treated them to a special diet only treatment. After 7 1/2 years patients were still doing well with most signs of rheumatoid arthritis gone. The doctors also found the foods you eat can influence your digestive tract, the bacteria in your gut and inflammation, all of which ultimately affect arthritis.

New Information Found

What has been found in the last decade is that arthritis is not the incurable disease we once believed. Doctors aand scientists today are now saying that many forms of arthritis are aggravated by foods we eat. While food allergies do not cause arthritis, they may, along with poor eating habits and genetic susceptibility, encourage your body to attack its own joints.

Other studies have drawn a connection between leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune disorders, like rheumatoid arthritis. Some arthritic individuals have sieve like gastrointestinal tracts that allow partially digested food to seep into their own bloodstream. This is how food allergies and possibly allergy to your own body, called autoimmunity, happens.


This confirms what folk healers have said for years, that certain health destroying foods are a primary reason for arthritis. By replacing them with certain health restorative foods, we can encourage remission of this disease together with elimination of stiffness, pain, and inflammation.

How to Treat a Yeast Infection - Certain Foods

When looking for information on how to treat a yeast infection there are certain things you can use in your diet. Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) are sucrose molecules linked in sequence with fructose. They are widely found occurring naturally in vegetables, grains, and fruits. FOS promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria (lactobacillus aci-dophilus and bifidus). In Japan FOS is used as a sweetener. It is not broadly available in North America yet; its use is inhibited by its currently high price. A good natural source of FOS is Jerusalem artichoke flour. Some documented beneficial effects of FOS are reduction of bowel toxins, prevention of diarrhea and constipation, reduction in serum cholesterol, protection of liver function, anticancer effects, and improvement of chronic inflammatory bowel disease symptoms.

When looking for information on how to treat a yeast infection you should consider garlic and onions have been used for thousands of years as antibiotic, anti-fungal, and health-enhancing foods. They have a significant role to play in the prevention and treatment of heart disease and cancer. Garlic and onions are mainstays of any effective natural antifungal program. Both are potent in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. For those who cannot tolerate the taste or odor caused by garlic, deodorized forms (garlic oil capsules or combinations of garlic and parsley) are good substitutes.

Gentian formula (Biocidin, available from Bio-Botanical Research) is a unique antifungal, antiparasitic formula made up of gentiana, chlorophyll, impatiens, hydrastis, sanguinaria, allicin, and other natural antibiotic herbs. Many healthcare practitioners find it helpful in very resistant cases.

Germanium is a trace mineral that enhances the effects of oxygen in the body. The inorganic form is potentially toxic to kidneys and best avoided. Organic forms of germanium have not been proven harmful in any way. Many practitioners use this trace mineral for the treatment of chronic fatigue, allergies, infections, and cancer. A good source of naturally occurring germanium is Korean ginseng. Other good sources include: aloe vera, shiitake mushrooms, garlic, and onions. One's levels of germanium can be determined through hair mineral analysis. If levels are low, supplementation is warranted.

When looking for information on how to treat a yeast infection you should consider ginger tea. It is the hot beverage of choice to soothe inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract caused by Candida or fungal overgrowth, as well as to help repair inflamed tissues. Quick nausea relief can frequently be obtained by using capsules of ginger root powder at a dose of 250 milligrams four times a day. It is a carminative and intestinal antispasmodic. Recent double-blind studies show ginger to be effective in preventing the symptoms of motion sickness and morning sickness during pregnancy (hyper emesis gravid arum) without harmful side effects. Some studies show that ginger is superior to Dramamine in its antinauseant properties. Ginger also has potential anti-inflammatory effects and has been successfully used in treating rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - What Triggers Rheumatoid Arthritis?

One of the most prevalent types of arthritis afflicting people of different races and of any age is Rheumatoid Arthritis.

The disease appears earlier than osteoarthritis at anytime of a persons life from infancy to old age but it usually upsets people in their 20's to 40's. Women are more prone to acquire the disease than men although this is evened out when the men reach their 50's.

The most familiar place for this kind of arthritis is in the foot, hands, wrists and lastly the ankles. But most cases are found in the foot where more joints are put under a lot of pressure. As a joint disease, it is also symmetrical in which it affects both joints of the body involved.

An acute illness accompanied by high fever with intense inflammation of the joints could mark the start of a rheumatoid arthritis. But the cause of the disease is unknown and its existence among children known as Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis has been dubbed as a mystery.

Several views have been provided to explain the occurrence of the disease. One such view postulates that the body's antibodies, produced to fight against infection, actually attack the joints which results in swelling and redness. The cartilage and bone may eventually be damaged as the inflammation spreads to the tissues around the joint.

The study of genetics has found a certain chemical marker among those positive with rheumatoid arthritis leading to the belief that a virus or a bacteria actually triggers its development. Some say that sudden and traumatic injuries like ankle sprains would eventually have the affected joints to be vulnerable to the disease in the future. Symptoms may also develop through severe stress, obesity that aggravates most arthritic conditions and bowel disorders like colitis.

Treatment for the disease does not include its cure as there is no existing cure for it. But treatments are available to relieve pain and discomfort. Drug therapies are available to control the spread of the disease which in its severe form could affect other parts of the body. Aspirin and ibuprofen as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be used.

Cortisone shots or steroid injections may also be helpful to relieve intense pain. Drugs known as DMADs are also available if NSAIDs does not work. Surgery is sometimes the last resort if all the other traditional means are ineffective to ease the pain and the progression of the disease.

Among children, the disease is outgrown while older people get stuck with it for a long time. Children are afflicted around 5 to 16 years old where diagnosis is quite difficult because they could easily find ways to ignore the pain. Even if they do get treated for the disease or the disease may go away, the chances that it will come back in later years is high. Its treatment is different from that of the adult rheumatoid arthritis especially on its drug medications.

Children or adults afflicted with the disease are encouraged to do exercise to strengthen their bones and help them move but it should be guided by a therapist. Proper treatment of the disease and any other alternative plan of action after the diagnosis should be discussed with your doctor.

Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

Inflammation of the joints along with severe pain and the reduction of joint function are some of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Unfortunately, there is no cure for RA, but individuals find some relief through treatment, and prevention of deformity and destruction to the joints are major goals. An important factor in the treatment of RA is the ability to detect it early in order to ensure that individuals minimize the damage to joints and deformities.

The aggressive management of rheumatoid arthritis can even stop the damage done to joints altogether, based upon X-rays of joints, and the overall improved function of joints with RA is possible. With the combined treatment of medication, joint-strengthening exercises, family and patient education, rest and joint protection, individuals can enjoy a better quality of life.

In order to assess the proper treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, an individual's activity of that disease must be assessed as well as the age, type of joints that are affected, the general health of the patient and the type of work that the patient does for a living are considered. When the patient, doctor and family members work closely together to treat rheumatoid arthritis, the best types of plans for relief are created, helping patients to enjoy a quality of life that is comfortable and in tune with their well being.

There are two different types of medications used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, the first being fast acting and the second being slow acting. The fast acting medications are called "first-line drugs" and are used as pain relievers and to reduce any instances of inflammation that occur with this disease. Examples of first-line drugs are cortisone and aspirin. The second-line drugs used are hydroxychloroquine, also known as Plaquenil, methotrexate, as well as gold. These second-line drugs prevent the destruction of joints and allow rheumatoid arthritis to go into a state of remission, however they are not anti-inflammatory in their ability to reduce pain, and are not well used for that purpose.

Unfortunately, RA is chronic and cannot be cured. Prevention is always the easiest and cheapest route in managing symptoms, helping to slow down the process of degenerating joints, and medication therapies assist in helping individuals live a normal life for as long as possible. Medications are considered to be "disease modifying", helping to slow its progression down throughout an individual's life, which helps tremendously in the preservation of activities and a quality of life that is similar to what a person is used to.