Saturday, September 21, 2013

How to Treat your Arthritis Naturally

How to Treat your Arthritis Naturally

Arthritis is pain in the fingers, knees, elbows, hips jaw-any place in
the body where there is a joint between bones. It can be very painful. This
because joints are surrounded by many nerves and the nerves are needed to make
the complicated joints work properly. There are many forms of arthritis like
Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid; to name just two, but we are not going into that
now. What we are looking at here is natural remedies.

A lot of arthritis sufferers very often turn to natural herbal remedies
and botanical methods to gain release from their symptoms. But do these
natural alternatives do what they promise? Can you find relief from herbal
supplements? There are many herbs and such like that has shown some promise in
helping treat the symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis and we will just look at a
few of them:.

Thunder god vine

A supplement that is derived from a perennial vine that is
native to Asia, also in areas of China, Korea, and Japan. The root is peeled
away to make this herbal supplement and is by tradition, been used to treat
autoimmune illnesses and inflammatory conditions. It has been find by research
that thunder god vine does indeed contain anti-inflammatory activity, and some
immune-boosting activity has also been discovered. One clinical trial carried
out at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center found that roughly
80 per cent of those patients who were given a high dose of the plant
supplement found that their Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms got better
considerably. However, researchers have found that this and other studies are
too small to prove the true efficacy of this plant-derived supplement.


To take away the pain of gout, eat 6-8 cherries per day. They can be
tinned, frozen or fresh. This is a Japanese treatment, which they have used
for centuries. They also boil the cherries down into a syrup which makes a
strong sweet drink. The cherry is a very good source of magnesium (which is a
natural painkiller) and potassium. The potassium acts as a diuretic, reducing
inflammation by ridding tissue of fluid.

Dandelion leaves

One of the best remedies for treating arthritic conditions probably
grows right in your backyard: fresh young dandelion leaves. Because of the
high vitamin A and C content, when eaten raw in salads, these greens help the
body to repair damaged tissues and help the liver clear toxins out of the
blood. European herbalists have used these anti-pain dandelion recipes for
many years. Older leaves should be steam or sauté - like spinach, this is
because they are too tough to eat raw. You can also improve the taste by
cooking with garlic or add olive oil for a tasty dish. Dandelion can also be
made into a tea: Steep, just 1 teaspoon of dried leaves or 3 teaspoons of
fresh leaves in 1 cup of boiling water. Or make a coffee-like, but
bitter-tasting, beverage by boiling, and then straining, 4 ounces of fresh
root in 2 pints of water. Taken daily, this is a good guard against winter

Desert devil Devil's-claw

An ominous-sounding cure - comes from the Kalahari Desert of South
Africa. For at least 250 years, the Hottentots, Bantus, and Bushmen (all
native tribes of this region) have treated arthritis pain with this large
claw-like fruit that can trap and injure livestock. The tribesmen's favourite
method is to draw an extract from the root and brew it into a tea.
Alternatively, devil's-claw can be dried, powdered, and taken in tablet form.
Recent French and German studies found that the pain-relief of devil's-claw is
similar to that of cortisone. The root acts mainly as an anti-inflammatory, an
effect of harpagoside, its active ingredient. Preparations using the whole
plant work even better because it contains additional compounds, such as
flavonoids, that enhance the anti-inflammatory effect. Devil's-claw is
available in many forms through most mailorder herb companies and health food


The British, known for their fondness for sweets, swear by crude
blackstrap molasses dissolved in water. When taken every morning, they say
this preparation eases and even eliminates pain in the joints. This is some
feat in England! (Cold, damp climates usually aggravate a case of arthritis.)
The molasses is an excellent source of minerals, including iron, potassium,
and magnesium. It is also a concentrated sweet. So it is important to rinse
your mouth out or brush your teeth after using this treatment. Otherwise, you
may be trading one pain (arthritis) for another - a toothache!

Cooper bracelets

This does vindicate old wives. Until recently, Western doctors dismissed
as folklore the idea of wearing copper bracelets as a way of treating
arthritis. Indeed, there are many doctors who are still sceptical. Researchers
in Australia, however, have found that copper, when coupled with aspirin, is
more effective than aspirin alone in treating the pain of arthritis. Since
many substances are absorbed through the skin, there may be some truth in this
old wives' tale. Cooper bracelets are available all over the net.


Ginger is very effective in the treatment of arthritis and a host of
other ailments. Recent medical research in Holland has indicated that this,
too, is much more than just myth. Eating ginger does, according to the Dutch
doctors, help alleviate arthritis pain. Use the ginger with anything...soups,
sauces, or salads.

Bee Stings

An arthritis therapy that may sound more like a punishment was used
2,000 years ago by Hippocrates - bee stings. Once considered to be the leading
cure for rheumatism, arthritis, and gout, bee stings were used for centuries
by ancient Europeans.Based on this traditional therapy, scientists in
Switzerland, France, Germany, and Great Britain devised a treatment that
employed a series of injections of the venom- using either a hypodermic needle
or a live bee! The bee venom, like many noxious substances, stimulates the
immune system to release inflammatory substances. This is known as the counter
irritation theory.

Saint Hildegard's Ointment

Hildegard was a mystic from 12th century Germany whose wisdom still
holds true to day. She said " Detoxify, purify, and regenerate the whole
organism." Hildegard's recipe for an arthritis ointment was to take 4 parts
vermouth, 2 parts deer fat, and 2 parts deer marrow, and mix it into a salve.
This ointment was massaged on the painful joints while the sufferer sat in
front of an elmwood fire. The warmth of the fire and the stimulation of blood
flow from the massage were really the important parts of the treatment. So if
you cannot get your hands on any deer fat. goose fat is a much better option
and is available all over the net. To get rid of the rheumatic toxins that
caused pain, Hildegard prescribed eating fragrant, raw quince. The fruit can
be cooked in water or wine, baked in a cake or pie, or made into jellies and
candy ( this is popular today during holiday seasons). Hildegard's advice to
gout sufferers was to slowly chew (before breakfast) 1 to 3 teaspoons of
celery seed powder mixed with spices such as rue, cloves, and saxifrage. For a
better taste, the celery powder can be sprinkled on bread with quince jelly.
Celery is a diuretic, and the loss of excess fluid can reduce the inflammation
associated with the arthritis. Rue contains ruin, which can strengthen blood
vessels (preventing them from leaking fluid into tissue and thus preventing
inflammation).Warning: Don't use rue during pregnancy. It can bring on

Aloe Vera

Aloe, by its self does not cure or heal anything; it is the
beneficial effects of over 200 different nutritional constituents and the way
they react to help reduce inflammation and pain which promote healing. Aloe
Vera gives a great boost to the immune system and energy levels. So, In other
words.....Aloe Vera provides the body with the right agents to take care of
itself and to restore and repair body functions and the body's own healing

Many people think that because they are taking an herbal supplement or
botanical-based drug therapy, there will be no side effects. The truth is that
herbal supplements can be quite powerful and can have strong side effects.
Many if not most of all conventional drug therapies are derived from plants
and herbs.

The bad news is that there is not enough sufficient research to
conclusively prove the efficacy of many of these herbal supplements and
botanical-based drugs. Before you try any herbal supplement, it is
important that you discuss its use with your doctor.

To Heal Yourself - Understand the Powerful Effect Your Emotions Have on Your Body!

Unconscious, repressed emotions initiate physical illness such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, neck and back pain, migraine, repetitive stress injuries, tendonitis, IBS, Crohn's, colitis, heart burn, hiatus hernia, fibromyalgia, arthritis, lyme disease, weight gain, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances, PMS, eczema, psoriasis, and even cancer.

How can emotions have such a powerful impact on the body?

The circulation of blood is under control of a subsystem of the central nervous system known as the autonomic nervous system. An emotion, such as anger, fear, or guilt, initiates a process in the brain which activates the autonomic nervous system, causing a reduction of blood circulation to the involved area. The affected area is now deprived of their full complement of oxygen, resulting in a reduced rate of repair and an increase in inflammation.

If the affected area is a joint, tendon or a muscle, they will be more prone to injure and will remain in an inflammatory state causing arthritis, RA, fibromyalgia, back/ neck pain or some other pain syndrome. If the affected areas are the intestines a person will be more likely to develop IBS, colitis, Crohn's, spastic colon, bowel irregularities; if in the cardiovascular system, one would be more prone to inflammation of the blood vessels causing plaque formation and heart disease; if in the brain, it could lead to anxiety, depression, dementia and Alzheimer; if in the hormonal system, it could cause weight gain, hypothyroidism, PMS, fatigue, or adrenal burn-out.

An interesting note on cancer, Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg proved over 50 years ago that cancer occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirement.

Also, did you know inflammation is thought to be the culprit behind the visible signs of aging?

As you can see, addressing underlying repressed emotions can increase oxygenation to tissue and reduce inflammation resulting in improved health, less pain, more youthful appearance, and weight loss.

Powerful techniques used to assist in the healing process of unresolved emotions:

Inner Child Therapy:

The concept of the 'inner child' stands for unfinished emotions and feelings from our first years. It stands for essential aspects of our being, like trust, innocence and natural energy that have been damaged or oppressed in our early years. When areas within have gone unhealed and unheard they may show up in your outer life as problematic communications, anger issues, dysfunctional relationships, addictions or codependency. They may leave us feeling sad, lonely, abandoned or distrustful. Most of these issues were established out of earlier experiences which were learned in early childhood.

Magnified Healing

Many have described Magnified Healing energy as "soft yet powerful," "magnetic," "very yin" (or feminine) in its essence. Using the center line of the body and starting at the top of the head, practitioners place one hand in front of the body and the other behind the body. They then move their hands down the body all the way to the feet until the entire body has been treated with Magnified Healing. Magnified Healing recipients often feel a pleasant tingling or pulsing in areas with which the healing facilitator is working. The recipient generally completes the treatment with great reduction of stress and pain.

Heart Linking

A heartlink is an energy cord, or channel, that we establish between our heart center and the heart center of another. Heartlinks serve as a tool that fills us with energy to the point of overflowing enabling us to share the excess with others.

Reconnection Therapy

Reconnection Therapy is the process of cleansing and re-activating our personal grid...our connection to everything else in the universe. Many people report feeling a new sense of confidence and empowerment with clarity about their life's purpose. Almost everyone reports their desires manifesting more quickly. Physical changes are increased energy and vitality, looking younger, softer skin, staying healthy, not catching colds and viruses, even the healing of disease. The dependence on medicines and supplements falls away as you allow the wisdom that created your body to heal your body.

Trauma Release Techniques

Trauma is defined as emotional, psychological or physiological symptoms that result from events that overwhelm the nervous system. Feelings of being out of control or helplessness may result after a traumatic experience. This could be something as seemingly non life-threatening, but traumatic none the less as a dental and medical procedure, falls, or minor car accidents. When a state of helplessness and lack of control accompanies negative life experiences, our brains are unable to rid themselves of the messages of threat. All of the experiences that accompanied these traumatic events are mainly stored in our unconscious survival memory centers.

The techniques used help to extinguish the portions of traumatic memory with ease, without having to "re -live the experience" but by eliminate those memories cues that cause a "fight, flight or freeze reaction."

Removal of Energy Blocks

Energy Blocks can take many forms, such as stagnated blood or lymph causing toxins to build up in the body, thus resulting in disease. Another form can be limiting beliefs and expectations preventing us from manifesting fulfillment in our lives. "When Qi (a name for energy) flows freely along the meridians, people are free from illness; if the Qi is blocked, the pain follows." Ancient Chinese Saying.

Locked-in negative emotions

Quantum biology teaches us that consciousness is not localized to any one place. Every time you have a thought or a feeling, a desire, an instinct, or a drive, the body produces specific neuropeptides to communicate that feeling to the rest of the body. Researchers have found receptor sites to these neuropeptides in the immune system and in all organs of the body. Because of this direct mind-body link, negative emotions; e.g. anger, grief, rejection, fear, worry, self-criticism; can create a physical effect. For example, someone that is very self-critical will communicate that feeling to the immune system, causing the immune system to think that there is something wrong with the self and start to attack the self (your own body) leading to an autoimmune disorder, such as arthritis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, asthma, fibromyalgia, or even cancer. Another example could be an inability to speak about your emotions, not feeling heard, or your voice doesn't matter affecting the thyroid, resulting in a slow functioning thyroid, slow metabolism and weight gain.

Inherited negative emotions from prior generations:

Bert Hellinger's Family Systems Oriented Psychotherapy and advanced APN are very effective tools in dealing with these types of issues. The common dynamics that can affect the person from prior generations are as described in Dr. Klinghardt Systemic Energy Psychology manual:

1. "I follow you." E.g. a mother dies at childbirth at age 22. The child lives. When the child turns 22, she commits suicide.

2. "I do it for you." E.g. a father is unhappy. He considers (unknown to anyone else) to leave the family. His 4 year old daughter develops cancer and does it for him.

3. "I am like you." E.g. in a specific family, over generations, men around the age 35 are involved in a huge business failure.

4. "I take it from you." E.g. the client's father was chronically very angry at his wife. The daughter carries the anger for him (displacement of subject) and projects it onto her husband (displacement of object).

5. "I want to be with you." E.g. a daughter was never held lovingly by her father. Her whole life becomes an attempt to finally be held by a man. It will always fail because of displacement of object. It can be completed through APN.

6. Atonement for personal or taken on guilt. E.g. A newborn loses his mother at birth. He will often live as he does not deserve to be here.

Michael Karlfeldt, N.D., Ph.D., 208-919-7429, - A perfect blend of Healing, Relaxation, Fun, and Self Discovery in one of the most beautiful places in the world

Homeopathy and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Homeopathic Help for People Experiencing Rheumatoid Arthritis

Homeopathy has a great capacity to impact people in profound ways who experience rheumatoid arthritis. This is the first article in a series that will address disorders of musculoskeletal system. In future articles, I will publish information related to tendinitis and bursitis, degenerative arthritis, back pain/sciatica, and fibromyalgia; as they all have unique symptoms and require their own treatment plans.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory disorder primarily of the synovial joints, but can also affect other systemic organs. RA affects over 2 million Americans, with women being 3 times more susceptible than men.

The Arthritis Foundation states this disease progresses through three stages:

1) First is swelling of the synovial lining, causing pain, warmth, stiffness, redness and swelling around the joint.
2) Second is the rapid division and growth of cells, which causes the synovium to thicken.
3) In the third stage, the inflamed cells release enzymes that may digest bone and cartilage, often causing the involved joint to lose its shape and alignment, more pain, and loss of movement.

Eventually, if left untreated, RA has the capacity to destroy cartilage, deform joints, and destroy adjacent bones. And because it is a systemic disease it can affect the entire body. RA can cause generalized inflammation in the cardiac muscle, in blood vessels, and within layers of the skin. The exact cause of RA is unknown, but it is considered an autoimmune disorder (the body attacks itself). Genetic predispositions, or viral infections are thought to increase risks of RA.

People experiencing rheumatoid arthritis can be best helped the earlier it is caught, especially before excessive suppression has taken place from conventional methods of treatment. In homeopathy, health is viewed as a condition of the entire individual, rather than in terms of isolated symptoms from specific locations of the body. In this way, a homeopath will consider not only a detailed description of the physical RA symptoms, but the overall mental and emotional disposition and character, as well.

The following homeopathic remedies, and their specific indicators, can be considered for people experiencing RA:

Causticum: Stiffness of the joint that is so severe, it feels as if the joint is paralyzed. Generally worse from cold, dry weather. Better in rainy weather. Affects the fingers predominantly.

Rhus Toxicodendron: The main homeopathic remedy considered from rheumatism with pain and stiffness. The pain and stiffness causes the person to shift and stretch. Worse in the morning upon rising; in the cold, damp, rainy weather; storms; and sitting for long periods of time (such as in a movie or a car ride). They feel better from heat, hot bathing, or showers; and continued, gentle motion.

Arnica: Great soreness all over. Even the bed feels too hard. They feel bruised or beaten. Worse from being jarred or touched; they fear being touched. Pains are usually symmetrical.

Aurum Metallicum: Rheumatism with stiffness or spasms of the chest wall. This is an important remedy to consider for people who also have ankylosing spondylitis. Generally worse at night.

Ledum: Swelling, coldness and pallor (sometimes blueness) in the affected joint. Worse from heat. In general, the pains ascend during the course of the illness to more proximal joints.

Pulsatilla: Wandering arthritis; changeable symptoms and pains. Worse in the evening and with heat. Better from the cold; uncovering the joint; cold applications; and in the open air.

Homeopathic treatment will best assist people experiencing RA from constitutional, long-term care and, as mentioned, in the earlier stages of the illness. Even if medications have already begun, homeopathic treatment can help boost vitality and strengthen the healing intelligence of the body enough where the allopathic medications can eventually be discontinued altogether.

Tips for Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

Those that combine nutritional supplementation with the massaging of emu oil have noticed huge benefits and much greater control over managing their arthritis and the associated pain and swelling. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by swelling and pain, and can affect the joints in the ankle, knee, foot, hand, and wrist.

Psoriatic arthritis can affect any joints in the body, with predilection for larger joints in arms and feet and also smaller joints in the hand. Rheumatoid symptoms usually manifest themselves in the small joints of the feet and fingers, although they can appear in joints in other locations as well, such as the hips and knees. Glucosamine is excellent, but exercise is even better, usually when you exercise, you also lose some weight, this can improve the symptoms of it because your back and joints is being subjected to less strain.

Joint immobilization is important in cases where the joints are deeply affected by it and putting more pressure on the joints can be harmful. Exercise can help reduce some body weight and therefore reducing the overall pressure exerted on the inflamed joints. Water is an excellent aid because it provides resistance that builds muscle in the entire body while reducing shock to the joints at the same time.

Although the term is used generally it is not really one disease, it is a word that is used to cover over 100 medical conditions, relating to the joints of your body, ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrists , fingers, in fact anywhere that you have joints. It is in your best interest to immediately consult a doctor as soon as you have pain in the joints. Hydrotherapy can be used to decrease pain and rigidity in the joints.

Acupuncture has its roots in history and has been used for along period of time to counter the pain caused by arthritis. Glucosamine is essential for the formation of joint cartilage and synovial fluid. It has an anti-inflammatory effect that slows the progression of it and relieves pain as well. Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form of the problem in general.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Drinking - Toxic Triggers, and Treatment For Pain

Drinking alcohol may be more harmful to someone with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) than to any other arthritis sufferer. If you have RA, then you may want to know how alcohol worsens symptoms, and how to treat the pain by eliminating toxic influences.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) basics.

Like other forms of arthritis, the rheumatoid type is represented by joints becoming inflamed, swollen, and painful. Movement is compromised. Sufferers might also feel a loss of energy.

Unlike other types of arthritis, RA is a disorder of the immune system. The body mistakenly defends itself against healthy tissues. Its symptoms resemble fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and other syndromes of compromised immunity. It develops differently from your typical osteoarthritis, which is more of a wear-and-tear disease.

Much medical research on immune disorders has shed light on toxins. A history of toxicity can contribute to the disorder. Toxicity may have included alcohol or drug abuse, long-term pharmaceutical or anti-biotic use, or exposure to chemicals.

Alcohol and other toxins.

Alcohol has many negative physical effects. It is a depressant. Plus, it suppresses the immune system. Its affect on the immune system is the second reason why RA sufferers should avoid it.

The first reason why alcohol should be avoided by anyone with an immune disorder was mentioned above. Immune disorders have commonly been linked to a history of toxic influences.

Treatment for symptoms and condition.

If you have a history of regular drug or alcohol use, then this should be the first monster that you tackle if you want to heal from your arthritis.

Obviously, you must free yourself from pain in order to live a somewhat normal life. However, if you have a toxic history, and you continue to drink, then you may be worsening your condition.

Seeking psychological counseling for drinking habits may be the greatest thing you can do to heal your body of arthritic tendencies.

Once you have addressed any drinking or drug habits, then you can start to focus on other causes of your pain.

Consult a nutritionist, and maybe also an herbalist, to cleanse your body of toxins. You need to be nutritionally restored. You need to follow a dietary plan with therapeutic amounts of vitamins and minerals.

By tackling your drinking, past and present, you will feel relief in your life beyond the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Low Level Laser Therapy For Pain - LLLT

Low Level Laser Therapy or LLLT is a medical treatment commonly used to treat pain, joint disorders and some wound healing. It is most often used over joints and nerves. It uses lighted diodes to change the cellular function. There have been many clinical testings that show that LLLT is effective in providing pain relief for all types of problems.

There are several conditions that can cause pain that Low-Level Laser Therapy can help to relieve or treat. Some of the most common problems it has been used in treating are:

  • Tendonitis

  • Painful joints

  • Neck and back pain

  • Carpal tunnel

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Sinusitis

  • Tonsillitis

  • Vertigo

  • TMJ

  • Chronic back pain

  • Pain and injury from trauma

  • Reduces Inflammation

  • Migraines and headaches

There are many different things that low-level laser therapy is used for but it is most effective in the treatment of all types of pain. From a slight nagging pain to the more chronic pain that never leaves you. It has also been approved for treatment of helping to heal wounds and ulcers.

LLLT has also been proven to reduce inflammation. It is useful in the treatments of inflammation of skin conditions such as acne and eczema. Low-Level Laser Therapy has also been used in the treatment of migraines, hearing loss and even the treatment of some scars.

This type of therapy is also being used for the treatment of hair loss. While it does seem to help some other types of skin inflammation and wounds it is primarily used for the treatment of acute and chronic pain in the body.

While the theory of exactly how low-level laser therapy works has not been officially stated, the light given off by the lasers during light therapy causes photochemical reactions within the cells that have been targeted. It also has been suggested that it helps to control and reduce pain due to increasing the blood flow to the area and lowering the levels of several types of prostaglandin that cause stress and pain in the cells. It also increases adenosine triphosphate in the mitochondria which produces more oxygen. It also produces ATP which promotes relief of painful sensations in the cells.

The great thing about the use of low-level laser therapy is that it is painless. It can be used at any time. It also provides fast relief for these painful symptoms. It greatly reduces your healing time by providing cell stimulation to increase and promote the healing of cells. It is also 100% safe as the level of the laser is low so that it can not damage any of the cells that are being treated. It is not toxic, non-invasive and has virtually no long-term side effects to the patient. Application is very easy and very quick.

Treatment with these lasers will depend on your condition. Some people have relief in as little as one time, while others have to be treated 8 to 10 times for the pain to go away or decrease.

Friday, September 20, 2013

A Cure For Arthritis That Really Works

It has been known for years by many seasoned medical professionals that prescription medications to reverse or relieve the symptoms of arthritis only mask the problem. The answer of course is to fix the underlying cause of the condition and reverse the effects altogether.

First we must understand what a crippling arthritic condition really is. A crippling arthritic condition is the deterioration of joint tissue resulting in pain, swelling, discomfort, and immobility. Whether it be Osteo, RA, or Gouty etc, it basically functions the same way. The deterioration of the joint area is usually the result of enzymes eating away at the joint/cartilage over a period of time.


A. In many cases it is believed that an individuals ability to develop such conditions is within the genetics of the body.

B. An injury to the joint or effected area could be somewhat the catalyst in weakening the cartilage/tissue and enabling the area to be more prone to arthritis.

C. A mineral/nutrient deficiency slows the bodys ability to repair itself, and whether inherited or not, arthritis develops.

I myself was diagnosed with RA in 2001. I began to seek out every possible way to cure my condition. I would wake up with my hands swollen, fingers curled, and burning pain. Actually, the pain medicine and naproxen began to not do much at all. Maybe we build a tolerance to it over a period of time. I dont know. But I couldnt live with the thought of never playing the piano, guitar, or other things I enjoyed. Thanks to an older doctor who believes in "old fashion cures for what ail you", I found a cure that worked for me. Thanks to him, I am able to share this with you.

I actually found two natural cures. The one I used in the beginning was a supplement that contained glucosamine, along with a t-spoon of flax seed oil daily, and colloidal silver. I was doing so fine in feeling I was totally cured, that I stopped taking the daily supplements, along with everything else. When the arhtritis began to return, I couldn't find the supplement. I tried so many glucosamine supplements and none had the same effect as the first did. So this is what lead me to the real cure.


Keep in mind that my condition returned after I stopped taking the supplements. So if you are looking for a permanent cure that will rid you of arthritis, then lets move on.

The method I used to rid my life of arthritis for good, is a combination of techniques from a great program I found. It has been 7 years and the arthritis is gone. The best way to cure your arthritis is with a good working program you can do at home. It combines a little of the above mentioned formula along with a system a lady came up with. She has helped me so much! I can't thank her enough! There are many out there. If you search the internet, you will find a program you can use. Some take longer than others, and some don't work at all. However, if you want a system for a cure for arthritis that really works, see my blog link and I'll guide you right to her.

Immediate, and long lasting relief can be realised with the information I am sharing here. It has worked for me. I would advise you to follow my blog link and we will walk you through to a cure for arthritis that really works. Cure arthritis now!

Medical Treatments for Relieving Painful Canker Sores

Getting a canker sore can be a real nuisance. You are likely in for about a week of mouth pain, especially when you try to eat anything spicy or acidic such as an orange or tomato. For most of us it's a temporary situation and our mouth ulcer will soon heal without treatment. But for some unlucky people, no matter how many home remedies for canker sores they try, nothing seems to work. So if your pain gets worse, you have a lot of problems eating or drinking, if you have a really large sore, or they keep coming back, it's time to see a doctor or dentist.

In addition to an examination to rule out other things that could mimic canker sores, such as oral cancer, your doctor might want to run some tests, including food sensitivities (a frequent cause of mouth ulcers) or a vitamin deficiency, which is another possible cause of repeated outbreaks. He can also prescribe something to help make you feel better. There are several types of drugs, both topical and oral treatments, your health care provider may suggest.


One class of treatment cauterizes canker sores. In other words, it chemically burns the ulcer, killing the nerve endings and creating a protective cover over the lesion. There are several possibilities; silver nitrate is one option. This comes in stick form and is not a prescription-only item. You may be able to find it yourself, but it is best to have a professional apply it to your canker sore so you don't overdo it and hurt yourself. Most people find they experience a sizable reduction in pain shortly after the stick is applied. It doesn't really help healing, although it's possible you could shave a few days off. There is also a prescription-only drug called Debaterol which performs similarly to the silver nitrate, and can also offer fairly quick relief.


Another type of medical treatment is an anti-inflammatory ointment. One commonly used is called Triamcinolone Acetonide,also known as Kenalog in Orabase. It is helpful for easing the pain and discomfort but it doesn't promote healing. This ointment can be applied several times a day; the trick is keeping it in place without it washing off. Dexamethasone is a mouth rinse that also helps reduce inflammation and it can provide some pain relief as well. This is something you would swirl in your mouth; it is not meant to be swallowed.

Numbing Agents

A prescription numbing gel such as Viscous Lidocaine is also sometimes used. I am not a big fan of this topical treatment, as you have to be careful not to swallow any of the gel, and trying to refrain from that when it's coating your mouth is not an easy feat.


Oral corticosteroids are occasionally used when other, more common treatments fail. They are used In the toughest cases only because steroids can have unpleasant side effects. They can cause weight gain, brittle bones and other potential serious issues and should not be taken lightly.

Other Medications

In some situations medications used for other purposes such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have been used successfully. Again, there can be considerable side effects and they are expensive, so they are not the first-line choice. Typical options include Enbrel and Remicade and they are usually given via infusion.

I want to reiterate that most of the time, medical treatment for your canker sores is not necessary. Most people find relief using home remedies. But there are times when medical intervention may be required. As a reminder, if your canker sores last an unusually long time, more than 2-3 weeks, you should seek medical care to rule out other conditions. If you get frequent outbreaks, it may be because of an underlying condition. With your doctor's help, you can figure out what that is and hopefully reduce or eliminate your outbreaks.

General Tips For Arthritis Sufferers to Get Rid of Arthritis

Understand how to get rid of Arthritis by following these tips for Arthritis sufferers. In cultures that use a typical Western diet (see Understanding How to Get Rid of Arthritis - Avoid Arthritis Triggers), arthritis is common and, in cultures that eat mainly fresh or dried fruits and vegetables with very little protein, arthritis is largely unknown.

Anything of a chemical nature is not of much value nutritionally. These chemicals are foreign to the body, confusing it so it may not even recognise these additives as something to be eliminated. They then remain behind and interfere with the chemical and electronic systems of the body affecting muscles, joints, tissue or block the lymphatic system. Large quantities taken in one meal can actually bruise any internal organ, muscle or nerve.

OSTEOARTHRITIS or DEGENERATIVE ARTHRITIS usually occurs in the knees, hips or spine. It is when a joint becomes worn out. A cycle develops as the damage causes inflammation which in turn causes more damage. (Inflammation normally protects until healing is complete; however, when healing takes too long the white blood cells and chemicals involved in inflammation become destructive).

RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS is destruction of tissues around the swollen joint area. The joints become calcified and fused, limiting movement. It is a more acute inflammation than osteoarthritis. Its cause is thought to be the immune system mistakenly attacking body cells.

Copper bangles bring relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis as the skin readily absorbs the small amounts of copper required to produce the antioxidant enzyme SOD.

Communities dependent on animal products have a higher rate of cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and osteoporosis. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and diabetes rarely occur in people who consume no animal products at all. The incidence in all three increases proportionately in communities that eat meat and other high-fat foods.

In a study published by VERIS, vitamin E was found to have an analgesic effect on rheumatoid arthritis, although inflammation remained. Good sources of vitamin E are almonds, asparagus, avocados, broccoli, corn, hazelnuts, parsley, soya, sprouting seeds, spinach and sunflower seeds.

Zinaxin is a natural anti-inflammatory and the traditional Chinese remedy for RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS.

Hot water therapy can help arthritis. Add two tumblers full of Epsom salts into a hot bath and lie in it for 20 minutes. Scrub the skin with a stiff natural bristle brush and empty the bath. Shower or rinse off thoroughly. Dry well and go straight to bed.

Gargle with whey to clean the throat. This strengthens the immune system as it frequently spends a lot of energy in the throat due to unhealthy eating. Helping the immune system is beneficial to fighting many ailments, including arthritis.

Tooth problems can lead to inflammation of the joints. In the '30s and '40s, teeth were often removed to cure arthritic pain and apparently some 40 per cent of cases benefited. Arthritis or joint pains can stem from an infection in the root of the tooth or gum. This releases bacteria into the bloodstream, causing joint complaints. So, if all other treatments have failed, consult your dentist.

From a metaphysical aspect, arthritis is a result of criticism. This criticism may be directed from another person, or it could be a continual self criticism in one's own mind. Undoubtedly, the criticism has a positive intention, but the outcome is negative. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has a direct way of addressing this and can be an interesting journey into self discovery while providing relief from the physical manifestation.

In some cases acupuncture has had the desired effect. Should you be open to this, discuss it with an acupuncturist before making an appointment.

Foot reflexology has had remarkable results in relieving the distress of arthritis and preventing further degeneration. A course of reflexology helps the body to heal itself. That, together with choosing the wiser lifestyle guidelines listed previously, would be an excellent option.

For the ladies... According to the gentle Ayurvedic approach to arthritis, women should rest as much as possible during the first few days of menstruation. The wise woman will have prepared for this time, exercising and doing her more energetic work before menstruation begins. This is a time of actively moving wastes, impurities and the menstrual blood downward and out of the body. The general idea is to go with the body's natural impulse to stay quiet and not be so active.

What Other Diseases Masquerade as Rheumatoid Arthritis? Part 1 - The Non-Infectious Group

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis and affects more than 2 million Americans. The diagnosis is not easy to make in many instances. There are more than 100 different kinds of arthritis. Most of them involve inflammation. When a patient goes to a rheumatologist to get a diagnosis, there is a process of elimination in order to arrive at the proper diagnosis. This process of elimination is called "differential diagnosis."

Differential diagnosis can be a difficult undertaking because so many forms of arthritis, particularly inflammatory forms of arthritis look alike. Generally it is helpful to divide the differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis into two groups. The first group are the non-infectious diseases to consider and the second group are the infection-related conditions.

Since the discussion is rather long I have chosen to divide the article into two parts.

The following is a partial list of forms of inflammatory arthritis that can be seen and must be considered when evaluating a patient with inflammatory symptoms of arthritis and are not infection related.

RA is an autoimmune chronic inflammatory disease, primarily involving the peripheral joints (hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, and feet). It can also affect non joint structures such as the lung, eye, skin, and cardiovascular system.

RA may start slowly with nonspecific symptoms, including fatigue, malaise (feeling "blah"), appetite loss, low-grade fever, weight loss, and vague joint pains, or it may have an explosive onset with inflammation involving multiple joints. The joint symptoms usually occur bilaterally- both sides of the body equally involved- and symmetric. Erosions- damage to the joint- can be seen with x-ray. In about 80% of cases, elevated levels of rheumatoid factor (RF) or anti-cyclic citrullinated antibodies (anti-CCP) are present in the blood. There appears to be a correlation between the presence of anti-CCP antibodies and erosions.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) occurs in children under the age of 16. Three forms of JRA exist, including oligoarticular (1-4 joints), polyarticular (more than 4 joints), and systemic-onset or Still's disease. The latter condition is associated with systemic symptoms -- including fever and rash in addition to joint disease.

Polyarticular JRA has similar characteristics to adult RA. It causes about 30% of cases of JRA. Most children with polyarticular JRA are negative for RF and their prognosis is usually good.

Approximately 20% of polyarticular JRA patients have elevated RF, and these patients are at risk for chronic, progressive joint damage.

Eye involvement in the form of inflammation- called uveitis- is a common finding in oligoarticular JRA, especially in patients who are positive for anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), a blood test that is often used to screen for autoimmune disease. Uveitis may not cause symptoms so careful screening should be performed in these patients.

SLE is an inflammatory, chronic, autoimmune disorder that can involve the skin, joints, kidneys, central nervous system, and blood vessel walls. Patients may present with 1 or more of the following: butterfly-shaped rash on the face, affecting the cheeks; rash on other parts of the body; sensitivity to sunlight; mouth sores; joint inflammation; fluid around the lungs, heart, or other organs; kidney abnormalities; low white blood cell count, low red blood cell count, or low platelet count; nerve or brain inflammation; positive results of a blood test for ANA; positive results of a blood test for antibodies to double-stranded DNA or other antibodies.

Patients with lupus can have significant inflammatory arthritis. As a result, lupus can be difficult to distinguish from RA, especially if other features of lupus are not present. Clues that favor a diagnosis of RA over lupus in a patient presenting with arthritis affecting multiple joints include lack of lupus features, erosions (joint damage) seen on x-rays, and elevations of RF and anti-CCP antibodies.

Polymyositis (PM) and dermatomyositis (DM) are types of inflammatory muscle disease. These conditions typically present with bilateral (both sides involved) large muscle weakness. In the case of DM, rash is present. Diagnosis consists of finding the following: elevation of muscle enzyme levels in the blood [the two enzymes that are measured are creatine kinase (CPK) and aldolase], signs and symptoms, electromyograph (EMG)- an electrical test- alteration, and a positive muscle biopsy.

In addition, in many cases abnormal antibodies specific for inflammatory muscle disease can be elevated.

In both PM and DM, inflammatory arthritis can be present and can look like RA. Both inflammatory muscle disease and RA can affect the lungs. In RA, muscle function will usually be normal. Also, in PM and DM, erosive joint disease is unlikely. RF and anti-CCP antibodies are typically elevated in RA but not PM or DM.

SAs -- psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and enteropathic arthritis -- are a category of diseases that cause systemic inflammation, and preferentially attack parts of the spine and other joints where tendons attach to bones. They also can cause pain and stiffness in the neck, upper and lower back, tendonitis, bursitis, heel pain, and fatigue. They are termed "seronegative" types of arthritis. The term 'seronegative' means that testing for rheumatoid factor is negative. Symptoms of adult SAs include:

o Back and/or joint pain;

o Morning stiffness;

o Tenderness near bones;

o Sores on the skin;

o Inflammation of the joints on both sides of the body;

o Skin or mouth ulcers;

o Rash on the bottom of the feet; and

o Eye inflammation.

Occasionally, arthritis similar to that seen in RA can be present. Careful history and physical examination can often distinguish between these conditions, especially if an obvious disease that is promoting inflammation is present (psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, etc.). In addition, RA rarely affects the DIP joints- the last row of finger joints. If these joints are involved with inflammatory arthritis, the diagnosis of an SA is possible. (Note of caution: a condition known as inflammatory erosive nodal osteoarthritis can also affect the DIP joints). RF and anti-CCP antibodies are negative in SAs, although, rarely, in cases of psoriatic arthritis there may be elevations of RF and anti-CCP antibodies.

Gout is caused by deposits of monosodium urate (uric acid) crystals into a joint. Gouty arthritis is acute in onset, very painful, with signs of significant inflammation on exam (red, warm, swollen joints). Gout can affect almost any joint in the body, but typically affects cooler areas including the toes, feet, ankles, knees, and hands. Diagnosis is made by drawing fluid from an inflamed joint and analyzing the fluid. Demonstrating monosodium urate crystals in the joint fluid is diagnostic, although finding elevated serum levels of uric acid can also be helpful.

In most cases, gout is an acute single joint disease that is easy to distinguish from RA. However, in some cases, chronic erosive joint inflammation where multiple joints are involved can develop. And, in cases where tophi (deposits of uric acid) are present, it can be difficult to distinguish from erosive RA. However, crystal analysis of joints or tophi and blood tests should be helpful in distinguishing gout from RA.

Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD), also known as pseudogout, is a disease is caused by deposits of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals in a joint. The presence of these crystals in the joints leads to significant inflammation. Establishing the diagnosis includes using:

o Detailed medical history;

o Withdrawing fluid from a joint to check for crystals;

o Joint x-rays to show crystals deposition in the cartilage (chondrocalcinosis); and

o Blood tests to rule out other diseases (e.g., RA or osteoarthritis).

In most cases, CPPD arthritis presents with single joint inflammation. In some cases, CPPD disease can present with chronic symmetric multiple joint erosive arthritis similar to RA. RA and CPPD disease can usually be told apart by joint aspiration demonstrating calcium pyrophosphate crystals, and by blood tests, including RF and anti-CCP antibodies, which are usually negative in CCPD arthritis. A complicating feature is that RA and CPPD can coexist!

Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory joint disorder. The majority of patients with this disease have lung disease, with eye and skin disease being the next most frequent signs of disease. Although the diagnosis of sarcoidosis can be made on clinical and x-ray presentation alone, sometimes the use of tissue biopsy with the demonstration of "noncaseating granulomas" is necessary for diagnosis.

Arthritis is present in 15% of patients with sarcoidosis, and in rare cases can be the only sign of disease. In acute sarcoid arthritis, joint disease is usually of rapid onset. It is symmetric involving the ankles, although knees, wrists, and hands can be involved. In most cases of acute disease, lung and skin disease are also present. Chronic sarcoid arthritis can be difficult to distinguish from RA. Although RA-specific blood tests, such as RF and anti-CCP antibodies, can be helpful in distinguishing RA from sarcoidosis, in some cases a biopsy of joint tissue may be required for diagnosis.

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) is a disease that leads to inflammation of tendons, muscles, ligaments, and tissues around the joints. It presents with large muscle pain, aching, morning stiffness, fatigue, and in some cases, fever. It can be associated with temporal arteritis (TA), also known as giant-cell arteritis, which is a related but more serious condition in which inflammation of large blood vessels can lead to blindness and aneurysms. Also, a peculiar syndrome where use of the arms and legs leads to cramping because of insufficient blood flow (limb claudication) can occur. PMR is diagnosed when the clinical picture is present along with elevated markers of inflammation (ESR and/or CRP). If temporal arteritis is suspected (headache, vision changes, limb claudication), biopsy of a temporal artery may be necessary to demonstrate inflammation of blood vessels.

PMR and TA can present with symmetric inflammatory arthritis similar to RA. These diseases can usually be distinguished by blood testing. In addition, headaches, vision changes, and large muscle pain are uncommon in RA, and if these are present, PMR and/or TA should be considered.

In part 2 of this article, I will discuss infectious diseases that need to be considered in the differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. When RA is suspected, it is critical to consult with an expert rheumatologist.

Spinal Arthritis is One of the Most Painful and Difficult to Treat Forms of Arthritis

The modifications of different illnesses create one of the toughest challenges for consultants, analysts, and patients. As an example, we frequently hear through the mass media that scientists are looking for the cures for assorted sicknesses. Each of these forms of the illness cause different symptoms and treatments, and would therefore need different cures. Similarly, numerous kinds of arthritis exist, for example psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Another variety of this devastating illness is spinal arthritis.

Spinal arthritis, or spinal stenosis, involves the tapering of the spine, manifesting itself through stress on the spinal nerve as well as on the roots of nerves. This illness sometimes involves 3 regions of the backbone : the canals at the nerves' base that expand from the spinal nerve ; the openings between the backbone's bones, through which nerves exit the backbone and then continue to other body parts ; and the tube in the middle pillar of bones, through that the roots' base and the backbone continue. This tapering can include either a big or minuscule area of the backbone. The subject of spinal arthritis may feel aches or a scarcity of sensation in the shoulders, neck, or legs.

Spinal arthritis sufferers are most frequently ladies and men who are over 50 years of age. Nonetheless , younger folk who experience an injury to their backbone may also experience spinal arthritis. In addition, those that are born with tapering of the spinal channel could also become inflicted with this illness.

Spinal arthritis sufferers of every age may experience no symptoms, because of the tapering of the area in the spinal channel. However , if this narrowing puts stress on the nerve roots or spinal nerve, sufferers might endure cramps, absence of sensation, aches in the legs and arms, and weakness. Also, if the chiselled area in the backbone presses down on the nerve base, sufferers of spinal arthritis may experience discomfort sealing down their leg. They should right away engage in bending exercises, reinforcing exercises, stretching the lumbar region, and sitting.

When a victim of spinal arthritis isn't experiencing tremendous or worsening nerve organisation, then the doctor might prescribe either anti-swelling drugs that have no steroids, such as aspirin, and ibuprofen, to lower swelling and reduce aches, or drugs like Tylenol, to reduce discomfort.

If stronger treatment is required corticosteroid injections can be given into the remotest of the membranes covering the nerve roots and the spinal nerve, this will lower swelling and treat pointy agony that spreads down a leg, or down to the hips. Anaesthetic shots, and nerve blocks, can be given nearby the nerve that is influenced, to momentarily reduce agony.

Doctors frequently counsel physical treatment or exercises to increase stamina, continue the backbone's motion, and fortify back and belly muscles. This could help to make the backbone steadier. Aerobic activity is also a choice if the patient isn't in too much discomfort.

When treatment not concerning surgery is ineffectual, surgery becomes a choice. The target is to reduce the nerves' pressure or spinal nerve, and to re-establish and sustain the backbone's arrangement and strength.

Today, spinal arthritis remains one of the most devastating sorts of sicknesses that folk can have. Luckily, doctors and analysts continue to enhance its treatment, to relieve its victims' discomfort.

Why Do Legs and Ankles Swell Up?

If you notice swelling in your ankles, it's a good idea to find out what the problem is. Injuries, gout and arthritis are fairly common causes, but obesity, pregnancy and circulation problems are also possible. Treatments differ depending on the root cause of the inflammation.

1) Arthritis: Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can attack joints. RA tends to hit small bones, such as those in the hands, wrists, feet and ankles. Osteoarthritis is usually caused by wear and tear. Joints in the hips, knees and ankles are usually affected by it over the course of a lifetime.

RA is best treated by the doctors, as it is an auto-immune disorder. Osteoarthritis can be treated by both a doctor and some home remedies. Topical pain relievers such as capsaicin, willow bark and tea tree oil may be useful, though avoid willow if you are allergic to aspirin. Internally, willow and gotu kola could help.

2) Clots: If the inflammation is only in one joint, it could be the result of a blood clot, also called deep vein thrombosis. This is potentially both life altering and life threatening, and should be treated immediately. If your doctor isn't available, go to urgent care or the emergency room if you suspect a clot.

3) Gout: The buildup of uric acid in your blood stream can lead to crystals that get deposited in your joints. Those of the feet and ankles are usually the first to show signs of it The initial diagnosis should be made by your doctor, and you will probably receive some prescriptions to help control the problem.

Cherry juice may also be suggested, and it is a very good idea. It can help reduce uric acid in the blood and it can help reduce inflammation. Don't use willow bark if you have gout, as it can cause flare ups. It has the same active ingredient as aspirin, which should also be avoided.

4) Infection: Most causes of this condition are of fluid, but that from an infection could be full of pus. Again, it may be only on one ankle, if it is a localized infection. You may need antibiotics to deal with it, and it is important to check with the doctor. Untreated infections can cause a lot of problems, spreading to other parts of the body. Garlic may be helpful internally. Externally, a drawing agent such as baking soda could help.

5) Injury: This is probably the most common cause of inflammation, especially in young people. Sprains, strains and breaks will cause the condition. Treatment depends in part on which type of injury it is, but all of them will respond to RICE, rest, ice, compression and elevation. Hot wraps may be applied after the first forty-eight hours. You can use a decoction of willow bark and gotu kola for this application.

6) Obesity: Being overweight puts a lot of pressure on the joints, especially from the knees down. This overwork can lead to swelling. Besides losing weight, elevation and ice may be helpful.

7) Pregnancy: If you notice your ankles have gotten larger, call the doctor; two lives are at stake...yours and the babies. This isn't always a sign of pre-eclampsia, but it could be. Only your doctor can diagnose it, and the doctor is the best one to treat it. There are several things that can be done, but all require expert medical attention.

8) Varicose veins: This is also a circulation issue, and it's one most people don't appreciate a lot. Besides swelling and pain, they are unsightly. They can be controlled to a certain extent by wearing compression stockings and keeping your legs and feet propped up. You'll want to avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time, and if you're overweight, dropping the extra pounds will help.

Before you start any new herbal remedy or home treatment, check with your doctor and/or pharmacist. Let them know all the supplements and herbal remedies you are using so they can help you prevent harmful interactions between the herbs and any medications you are taking.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

What Else Causes a Toenail Fungus?

Many people will tell you what a toenail fungus is.

"A fungus that effects the nail"

The better ones will tell you that it affects the skin as well. The ones that seem to know what they are talking about will characterize it by saying that the fungus is actually a Dermatophyte- a Keratin loving organism. Keratin is a main component of skin and nails. The better known sites will say that it is caused by Tricophytum Rubrum- one of the organisms that cause the problem.

The vast majority of sites will actually tell you that it is all to do with your hygiene, sharing socks & shoes and the other run of the mill lines. My site includes all of that, but one thing that most will miss, and I mean a good chunk (professional sites included) is that not all toenail fungus are caused just by those elements alone.

The toenail fungus can jump into your nail or onto your skin due to many reasons. The main ones are as follows:

1. Diabetes. This is a huge topic all by itself. But the basics go like this. With Diabetes your immunity reduces slightly and your skin has a little bit more "sugar" running around on it. This is like nectar to many organisms and fungus are one of those. Sometimes your skin becomes a little bit dryer or a little bit sweatier. Now with a reduced immunity you become susceptible to more problems. So along comes the fungus and sees a sweaty skin that with reduced immunity and sugar...well it just jumps straight into that nail, or you tend to acquire Athletes Foot a little bit quicker than most.

Keeping your blood sugars regular is going to help, but you are going to be a little bit more susceptible than most. So do you treat or don't you? Well it all depends if those nails are causing a problem and you are willing to try products which have a high failure rate and there is no guarantee that the toenail fungus is not going to come back. It also depends upon the person.

2. Diabetes is not the only condition that toenail fungus seems to be a bit more prevalent. Rheumatoid Arthritis is another usual suspect. Also conditions which reduce your circulation (indirect damage) or anything that damages the toenail directly or indirectly is not going to help- this also takes into consideration applying topical chemicals such as nail varnish and remover. This is because if the toenail is damaged, the damage removes the protective coating that all nails have. This then allows the toenail fungus to penetrate the nail.

3. Immuno-suppressant. Any sort of immuno-reducing medicaments (chemo, transplant etc). Again this allows the fungus to jump straight into the nail or onto the skin. This is probably why Rheumatoid patients obtain toenail fungus more readily. Their condition is one where there is an auto-immune destruction of the joints- medication is needed to suppress the immune system.

As you can see, there are many other ways to obtain a toenail fungus. The ways here are all to common, and they can be seen in the clinic on a regular basis. usually though the patient's condition usually outweighs the desire to treat the toenail fungus. Or if they could, pharmaceutical medication sometimes has adverse side effects which obviously the patient does not want. Or, the anti-fungal agents do not react well with their main medication. In that case topical treatments would be considered- natural or pharmaceutical.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Natural Treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that causes an inflammation of the joints, and sometimes other tissues and organs. There is one percent of the population in the world that have rheumatoid arthritis and three times more women are affected by it than men.

Symptoms normally start around the ages of forty to fifty; however younger or older people can also be affected. Rheumatoid arthritis is very painful, and will often result to the affected joints no longer being able to be used.

Natural Remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Heat and Cold therapy: There are many doctors who recommend applying either heat or cold when one starts having joint pains. The cold therapy will help diminish the inflammation as well as the pain. However, when cold is used, it is important to not apply cold for more than fifteen minutes with a thirty minute break in between.

It is also suggested to use heat as this will act as a muscle relaxant and also stimulate the blood. When using heat therapy it is important to not make it too hot as one does not want to burn their skin. A hot tub or warm shower can also help ease the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Magnets: Many people say that magnets help with their pain associated to rheumatoid arthritis. There have been many reports that swear that these magnets work; however experts have been unable to figure out the reason why they work. However as anyone with rheumatoid arthritis knows, if there is a chance that it will help with the pain, it is worth a try.

Mind and Body Therapies: There are many mind and body techniques that can be adopted in order to help control the pain that comes with RA. As these types of techniques will help with stress management which will also improve a person`s sleep, the person will have a different perception of the pain. These types of exercises include:

  • Breathing exercises

  • Progressive muscle relaxation

  • Visualisation

  • Meditation

  • Tai Chi

  • Acupuncture

  • Biofeedback

  • Exercise Treatments for Arthritis Pain Relief

Natural Supplements for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Flexcin is a great choice as a natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis. Flexcin contains a natural ingredient called CM8 which acts as an anti-inflammatory, while also diminishing the swelling. After using it for four to five weeks, the pain caused by the swelling of the joints will have diminished.

Secondly, it acts as a lubricant for the joints. This will help the muscles and other tissue to move better, thus without restraint. It is also important to note that Flexcin is the only type of product of its kind that contains CM8.

Although Rheumatoid Arthritis Natural Treatment should not necessarily be used without other treatment, they can be helpful to be added with prescription medication if this is what the doctor thinks it`s best. That being said, it is never a good idea to make decisions about how to treat illnesses without consulting with a professional.

Doctor - I Have Symptoms of Pain and Swelling in My Hands and Feet - What Could It Be?

While there are multiple causes of swelling and pain in the hands and feet, arthritis is probably the most common cause.

The term "arthritis" is derived from the Greek and means "joint inflammation". It refers to more than 100 different diseases that can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. Joints are where the ends of long bones connect and interact. The end of each bone inside a joint has a thin layer of cartilage and is held in place by ligaments, tendons, and muscles. A joint is lined with synovial tissue (synovium) that helps to nourish the joint. It is the synovium that often becomes inflamed in arthritis.

Arthritis may also affect other supporting structures around joints such as the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Some serious forms of arthritis can affect internal organs.

The common symptoms of arthritis are due to inflammation (swelling, heat, redness, pain):

o Swelling in one or more joints

o Stiffness in the joints in the morning or with prolonged inactivity

o Joint pain or tenderness

o Restricted mobility in the joints

o Warmth or redness

Diagnosing arthritis can be difficult because some symptoms are often common to many different diseases. A rheumatologist will first do a complete physical exam, looking for clues. The eyes, ears, nose, throat, heart, lungs, and other parts of the body will be examined along with the joints. Lab tests and imaging procedures such as x-ray, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may also be ordered.

The most common forms of arthritis are:

Osteoarthritis (OA) is also referred to as degenerative joint disease. This is the most common type of arthritis. When it affects the hands, it can cause painful swelling in the last row (Heberden's nodes) and middle row (Bouchards nodes) of finger joints. In the feet it will affect the toe joints as well as the mid-foot. This disease affects cartilage, the tissue that cushions and protects the ends of bones in a joint. With osteoarthritis, the cartilage starts to wear away prematurely. The swelling of the fingers and toes may lead to bony deformity.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease; the body's immune system (defense mechanism against infection) attacks normal tissues. This autoimmune reaction causes inflammation of the synovium. RA symptoms include pain, stiffness, swelling, rapid loss of joint function, and crippling. When severe, rheumatoid arthritis can also affect internal organs. This is the type of arthritis that most commonly causes severe inflammation in the hands and feet.

Rheumatoid arthritis tends to be symmetric- one side of the bodt being affected just like the other.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease characterized by generalized aches and pains. The pain is accompanied by stiffness that is worst in the morning but tends to last all day long. Patients may have localized tender points occurring in the muscles and tendons, particularly in the neck, spine, shoulders, and hips. These tender points are called trigger points. Fatigue and sleep disturbances may also occur. There is subjective swelling along with pain in the hands and feet.

Gout and pseudogout are inflammatory forms of arthritis due to deposits of crystals in joints and other body tissues. Uric acid is the culprit in gout and calcium pyrophosphate is the villain in pseudogout. Both diseases cause painful attacks of arthritis affecting the hands and feet.

Infectious arthritis is a type of arthritis caused by either bacteria or viruses. A relatively common form of infectious arthritis is Lyme disease. Infectious forms of arthritis can cause swelling and pain in the hands and feet. A diagnosis is often difficult to establish. Antibiotics will often be used to treat bacterial infectious arthritis.

Reactive arthritis is an autoimmune arthritis that develops after a person has an infection in the urinary tract or intestine. This problem is often referred to as Reiter's disease. People who have this disease often have eye inflammation (iritis), rashes, and mouth sores. Inflammatory arthritis involving the hands and feet leading to a toe or finger that looks like a sausage (dactylitis) is common.

Psoriatic arthritis. Some people who have psoriasis also have arthritis. This disease often affects the hands and feet. It is usually asymmetric. It also causes deformity of the fingernails and toenails (onycholysis) that is often misdiagnosed as a fungal problem. Sometimes the spine- neck and low back-can be affected. As with Reiter's disease, dactylitis often occurs.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is another autoimmune disease. Lupus can affect many organ systems including the joints, skin, kidneys, lungs, blood vessels, heart, and brain. This is a cause of swelling and pain involving the hands and feet.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is the most common type of arthritis affecting children. It leads to pain, stiffness, swelling, and loss of function in the joints. A patient can also have rashes and fevers with this disease. Hands, wrists, ankles, and feet are often affected.

Polymyalgia rheumatica. Symptoms include pain, aching, and morning stiffness in the shoulders, hips, thighs, and neck. It is sometimes the first sign of giant cell arteritis, an inflammatory disease of the arteries characterized by headaches, scalp tenderness, weakness, weight loss, and fever. The hands and feet may be affected although less often than other joints. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (sed rate), a blood test that measures inflammation, is often greatly elevated.

Bursitis is inflammation of the bursae- the small, fluid-filled sacs that help cushion joints. The inflammation may accompany arthritis in the joint or injury or infection of the bursae. Bursitis produces pain and tenderness and may limit the movement of joints.

Tendinitis is inflammation of tendons (the fibrous cords of tissue that connect muscles to bones) caused by overuse, injury, or arthritis. Tendinitis produces pain and tenderness and may restrict movement of joints.

Not all conditions that cause symptoms of pain and swelling in the hands and feet are due to arthritis. Here are some non-arthritis causes...

Polycythemia vera (PV) is a disorder that is due to excessive production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Some patients with PV will not have any symptoms at all, but many will experience easy bruising or bleeding with minimal trauma. Also, the blood may become thick, causing it to clot in tiny blood vessels. If clotting does occur in the small blood vessels of the fingers and toes, a patient may experience numbness or burning. Swelling and pain in the hands and feet may also occur.

Some medical conditions cause edema...swelling of the hands, ankles, feet, face, abdomen, or other areas of the body. Swelling is most often seen in the hands, in the feet, or around the eyes. The swelling often causes pain.

Edema is due to excessive fluid accumulation. It can be caused by abnormal kidney function, chronic kidney disease, congestive heart failure, varicose veins, phlebitis, protein or thiamine deficiency, sodium retention, or cancer.

Other reasons for edema are pregnancy, standing for prolonged periods of time, premenstrual syndrome, oral contraceptives, an injury (sprain), hypothyroidism (low thyroid), anemia, adrenal disease, deficiencies of potassium and B vitamins, or allergic reactions.

The cause of the edema needs to be determined. Diagnoses such as congestive heart disease, kidney disease, or liver disease should be ruled out.

Insect stings can lead to swelling and pain in the hands and feet. The same type of reaction may occur with medications, such as penicillin or sulfa. This is referred to as serum sickness.

Acromegaly is a disease where a tumor in the pituitary gland causes an overproduction of growth hormone. This leads to swelling and pain in the hands and feet.

Frostbite is another cause of swelling and pain in the hands and feet.

Blood clots in the veins are another cause of swelling and pain in the limbs. This rarely affects the upper extremities (arms). If it does, diseases associated with clotting abnormalities should be suspected.

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (causalgia) is an unusual disorder that leads to swelling and pain in an affected limb. Generally it occurs in an arm or a leg, rarely both at the same time. The preceding event is usually some type of trauma.

Learn About the Difference Between Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Although they are sometimes confused and some symptoms are similar, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are very different diseases. According to a paper titled "Osteoarthritis vs Rheumatoid Arthritis" released by the Terrebonne General Medical Center (TGMC), joint pain should be evaluated by a doctor.

Because, even though the symptoms of the two conditions are similar, the long-term effects can be quite different. If left untreated, rheumatoid arthritis can destroy the joints, cause deformities and inflammation in other parts of the body.

The causes of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are different. Although genetics or heredity may play a role in both, as it does in many diseases, osteoarthritis is often referred to as "wear and tear" in the joints that occurs over a period of many years or even a lifetime and is most common in people over the age of 50. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, can affect children or adults. It is not caused by "wear and tear". It causes "wear and tear".

In explaining osteoarthritis vs rheumatoid arthritis, a simple illustration of bones, cartilage and the synovial membrane is often used, but explaining the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is far from simple. It is considered by most to be an inflammatory autoimmune disorder, although there are other theories.

In an autoimmune disorder, the body fails to recognize its own parts down to the cellular level. Because, the natural immune system response is to attack those things that do not belong in the body, if the immune system fails to recognize a body part as part of itself, then it will naturally launch an attack against that body part.

In rheumatoid arthritis, it is believed that the immune system considers some part of the joint (whether it be bone, cartilage or fluid) an invader. Signals are sent out among the cells and the immune system launches its attack. White blood cells are sent to the area to fight infection (even though no infection is present), inflammatory compounds are produced (even though there is no need for inflammation) and swelling, redness and pain is experienced in the joints.

This is a very simplified explanation. Immune system responses are actually quite complex. But, the purpose here is to briefly and simply describe the primary difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, so that people may better understand the difference in treatment choices and the need for professional diagnosis and early treatment.

In "Osteoarthrits vs Rheumatoid Arthritis", TGMC staff writers warn that, if left untreated, rheumatoid arthritis can cause serious damage to joints in as little as two years. Aggressive treatment early on may prevent the progression of the disease. People sometime go into periods of remission, where little or no symptoms are present.

Natural anti-inflammatories, such as omega 3 fatty acids, may help benefit these arthritic conditions, although they are certainly not cures.

According to The John Hopkins Arthritis Center:

"The major goals of treatment of the arthritis are to reduce pain and discomfort, prevent deformities and loss of joint function, and maintain a productive and active life. Inflammation must be suppressed...."[End Quote]

And according to the University of Maryland's Medical Website:

"Most clinical studies investigating the use of omega-3 fatty acid supplements for inflammatory joint conditions have focused almost entirely on rheumatoid arthritis. Several articles reviewing the research in this area conclude that omega-3 fatty acid supplements reduce tenderness in joints, decrease morning stiffness, and allow for a reduction in the amount of medication needed for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Similarly, New Zealand green lipped mussel ( Perna canaliculus ), another potential source of omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to reduce joint stiffness and pain, increase grip strength, and enhance walking pace in a small group of people with osteoarthritis."[End Quote]

Therefore, if you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, you may want to include more omega 3 fatty acids for their anti-inflammatory effects. Talk to your doctor.

Arthritis Treatment: Treat to Target For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis affecting more than two million Americans.

It is a systemic, chronic, autoimmune disease for which there is no cure. RA is capable of causing severe damage not only to joints but to other organ systems as well including the lungs, heart, peripheral nervous system, bone marrow, and eyes.

The 2010 criteria formulated by the American College of Rheumatology as well as the European League Against Rheumatism developed new standards to improve the early diagnosis of the disease. This would, of course, lead to earlier implementation of treatment.

The criteria specifies that a classification of "definite RA" is based on clinical confirmation of inflammation of at least one joint; absence of an alternative explanation that better explains the inflamed joint, and achievement of a total score of 6 or more (out of 10) from individual scores in four areas: number and site of involved joints, positive blood tests for rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP, elevated blood tests for inflammation, and symptom duration.

As a result of these more clearly defined criteria, there has been the move towards "treating to target" meaning treatment should be aimed at a patient with goal of achieving either remission or low disease activity (LDA) as quickly as possible.

There are three steps to this approach:

The first is to define the target as remission.
The second is to assess the patient every three months (at a minimum) to see if remission has been achieved.
The third is to change therapy if remission is not achieved by the three month mark.

Remission is defined as having no more than one swollen or tender joint, a C-reactive protein (CRP) less than or equal to 1 mg/dl, and a patient global assessment of less than or equal to one on a one to ten scale.
Some investigators choose to use a more elaborate Simplified Disease Activity Index which requires, in my estimation, more calculation.

Since disease activity has been shown to correlate strongly with disease presence at one year, after start of treatment, it is extremely important to monitor disease activity frequently. Because of this evidence it's critical to consider a change in treatment early if the patient is not responding and to monitor changes closely.

While not every patient will achieve remission, they should at least be in the LDA category. These changes, I believe are an improvement on the "gestalt" approach we've used for many years to evaluate patients.

Differential Diagnosis of Gout - What Causes The Joint Pain?

The differential diagnosis of patients presenting with joint pain is extensive, ranging from mild sprain, joint dislocation, trauma, malignancy, infection, and some life-threatening autoimmune diseases.

Joint pains that caused by physical activities are very obvious and easy to be diagnosed. Examples of this kind of injury are sprained ankle, joint separation, ligament sprain, torn cartilage and torn cartilage. Usually, this kind of pain is immediate and the patient can vividly remember the physical activity that causes the pain at the joint. These kinds of traumatic condition can happen to people of all ages.

Other causes of joint paint that usually affect people of older age are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the result of mechanical degradation of the joints due the years or wear and tear. It usually happens to those who were physically active during their younger years, such as sportsman or those who work in hard labour jobs.

One the other hand, rheumatoid arthritis is form of autoimmune disease where the abnormal immune system attacks the tissues around the joints and causes inflammation and pain. The actual cause of rheumatoid arthritis is still unknown, some say it is because of viral or bacterial infections, some say it is because of genetically inherited abnormalities. Extensive researches are still taking place around the world to find out the answer to this mysterious illness that affects a huge number of elderly population.

Although these 2 types of arthritis have very different causes, but they share certain similar symptoms that make them easy to be ruled out in the differential diagnosis of gout. Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis usually develop the pain over a long period of time and they usually affect joints of both sides of the body such as in the feet, hands. These kinds of arthritis usually attack multiple joints at the same time and the pain develops gradually.

Another more common cause of joint pain in the modern day is gouty arthritis which is more commonly known as gout. Gout attack is a type of inflammation that is caused by the formation of urate crystals inside a particular joint due to long term exposure to hyperuricemia. Many times, gout is mistaken as one of the above mention arthritis conditions, especially when the patient get the gout attack for the very first time.

Differential diagnosis of gout is very straight forward and easy, here are some of the unique properties of gout that differentiate it from other causes of joint inflammation.

  • Suddenly occurrence of intense pain

  • The attack starts in the middle of the night when the victim is sleeping

  • It usually attack one side of the joints

  • 90% of the gout attacks happen at big toe

  • If blood test is conducted, it usually shows a high blood serum uric acid level that is beyond healthy range

Although Gout is easy to be diagnosed, but it is not easy to get rid this awful devil. Those gout drugs and pain killers can only temporarily control the gouty inflammation, none of them can remove the root cause of gout, which is the urate crystal.

It is commonly known among the gout patients that gout pain is the worst and most unbearable pain in their life. Instead of wasting your money on those expensive tests involved in the differential diagnosis of gout, you should spend some time to understand the actual cause of gout and remove the root once and for all.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Arthritis Pain Medication - Dosage Help for The Elderly

Some older people with osteoarthritis discount their pain and are reluctant to take pain relievers. A study of the use of pain medications and seniors indicates that they often have a negative attitude toward the drugs. They frequently don't follow the instructions for use, choosing instead to downplay their pain. As a result, many suffer needlessly. I know I observed my elderly mother behaving this way, and I became curious about other elderly people.

Researchers conducted in-depth interviews with men and women ages 67 to 92, who had severe hip or knee osteoarthritis. They asked the study participants to gather all their prescription and nonprescription medications and then discussed the doses and timing of each. The researchers posed such open-ended questions and as:

What does your osteoarthritis feel like at this time? What are you doing for your osteoarthritis? What other medications are you taking? Do you take your medication in the way your health care professionals suggested? Why or why not? Do you take your medications regularly? Why or why not?

Most participants took medications for other conditions too, but they viewed painkillers as different. They were reluctant to take pain pills and often didn't follow label directions. Although the participants generally follow the instructions on their other medications, most purposely took pain relievers less often than recommended or at lower doses.

The interviewees also followed different medication behaviors when it came to pain relievers. The elderly men and women did not place painkillers in their pill organizer along with their other medicines. One woman filled her prescription for an opioid pain reliever, and then threw away the bottle. Another recorded how many acetaminophen tablets she took each day and put lower dose acetaminophen in the bottle for the extra strength product. Some took less pain medication when it was about to run out, although they did not do this with other medication.

What reasons did people give for not wanting to take pain medications or for cutting back on dosages? Most said that they didn't like to take pills, although several of them took many pills each day, plus dietary supplements. Several feared addiction. One participant referred to a common opioid pain reliever as a hard drug and said it reminded her of drug use on the street. Others had similar concerns, noting that taking pain relievers had become a habit more than a necessity.

Yet some of the participants hold friends and family to a different standard, scolding them for not taking their pain medications as described.

Many of these older people with osteoarthritis dismissed their pain or made light of it, even though pain restricted their activities. They claimed that at their age paint was to be expected. That's how you know you're alive, one man remarked. Several others justify taking less pain medication than prescribed by claiming to have a high tolerance for pain. Or they expressed the need to fight the pain and not give into it. Many participants said they would take pain relievers only if the pain became very bad.

The researchers noted that noncompliance with pain medication may indicate a person's refusal to accept that arthritis - associated pain warrants treatment. As a result, doctors may want to omit or clarify the instruction "as needed" on pain medication.

Also, educating older people with osteoarthritis about the safety of opioid avoid pain relievers and the need to take all pain medications as directed may relieve their concerns about addiction and improve their quality of life.

A Review of a New TNF Inhibitor for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Up until the 1980's, the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis was less than satisfactory. We used drugs such as gold salts, d-penicillamine, hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), sulfa drugs, and even tetracycline-derived antibiotics. For some patients who responded to these measures, the results were gratifying. But all too often patients either didn't respond or they developed horrendous side effects.

Approximately, fifteen years ago, biologic drugs such as the TNF inhibitors, entered the arena and revolutionized out treatment approach to rheumatoid arthritis.

While there are many biologic therapies with different mechanisms of action, this article will focus on one drug, a TNF inhibitor called Cimzia. The TNF inhibitors work by either attaching to tumor necrosis factor or blocking its ability to bind to its receptor on a cell. This action essentially renders tumor necrosis factor incapable of producing inflammation.

We currently have five TNF inhibitors available. I have adapted some of this information from a recent article by Dr. Phil Mease that appeared in Medscape.

Cimzia (CMZ) is a pegylated anti-TNF drug. What this means is that a polyethylene glycol chain has been attached to the TNF antibody. This attachment is supposed to keep the drug in circulation longer and also to keep it at the site on inflammation longer. This lengthier stay is supposed to enhance the effectiveness of the drug. CMZ is given as a subcutaneous injection every 2 or 4 weeks. One benefit is that it doesn't sting as much as some of the earlier TNF inhibitors such as Enbrel or Humira.

The safety and effectiveness of Cimzia in adult patients with active RA were established in three large phase III clinical trials, in which CMZ was given along with methotrexate or by itself. These studies showed that CMZ reduced the signs and symptoms of active rheumatoid arthritis and prevented the progression of joint damage.

The studies also evaluated factors such as patient reported outcomes and quality of life measures. After all, what good is the science if the patient doesn't feel that the medicine has helped them be able to get their life back?

All the clinical trials were in agreement in regards to the following: CMZ, in combination with or without methotrexate, improved the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis as early as the first week of treatment. CMZ also prevented joint damage as early as 16 weeks. Patients reported significant improvements in quality of life measures. They also had significant relief of arthritis pain and fatigue, following treatment with CMZ.

The potential side effects of CMZ are exactly the same as with all other TNF inhibitors and these potential problems need to be discussed with the patient prior to prescribing the drug.

In our office we also go over a teaching schedule and have a patient sign an informed consent form.

Different Types of Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious autoimmune disorder that causes widespread inflammation in the body, primarily in the joints, but it can also affect organs and tissues. There is pain and swelling in the affected area that can sometimes lead to deformity in more serious cases. This incurable disease is often debilitating, so there are a number of treatments available to help people cope with the disease:?

  • DMARDs-Most patients who suffer with rheumatoid arthritis use drug treatment to manage the disease to help reduce the inflammation and discomfort. Disease anti-rheumatic drugs or DMARDs, are used to slow down the effects of joint damage on the bones and cartilage. This type of treatment has been available for several years and can sometimes prevent damage in the early phases of the disease and bring more advanced cases into stages of remission.

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs-There are a couple of drugs that are often used to help to reduce the inflammation in the joints, tissues and organs, which come in the form of steroid or non-steroid treatment. Steroids are a strong medication that is very effective in reducing painful inflammation. This type of drug must be carefully taken to reduce the possibility of serious side effects if it is not taken or prescribed. Non-steroid drugs are such things are NSAIDS that are prescribed in appropriate dosages to control the pain and reduce inflammation.

  • Biologics-This is a newer form of treatment that is composed of genetically engineered proteins from human genes that targets the parts of the immune system that cause inflammation. The medication is often prescribed when other treatment options have not helped to slow the progression of the disease. The medication is administered in the form of an injection or intravenous infusion, but must be carefully monitored by a specialist because it can cause other serious health conditions.?

  • Physical and Occupational Therapy-Some people choose to try exercises to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. An exercise regiment can be used to strengthen weak, painful joints as well as help disabled patients to find ways to manage the painful symptoms. Occupational therapists can work with rheumatoid arthritis patients to give them the tools needed to carry out their everyday activities as best they can.

The different kinds of rheumatoid arthritis treatment give patients a number of options to choose from as they consult with their specialist. Every treatment option has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to weight the options as they pertain to each unique case. Although rheumatoid arthritis cannot be cured, it can be managed with an effective treatment.

Gout Medication Treatments And Their Side Effects

One of the most effective ways of reducing the symptoms of a gout attack is through medication. Medications are necessary not just to relieve the pain of acute attacks but also to prevent attacks from recurring. Some gout medications can also target high levels of uric acid in the blood, a condition referred to as hyperuricemia.

To successfully treat gout, it is better to consult a doctor than try to alleviate symptoms through self-medication. Tests will be performed to determine the level of uric acid in the body which might include a urine test or taking a sample of fluid from the affected joint. Once the presence of gout is determined, only then will the course of therapy or medications should be discussed.

Some of the most common medications used to treat gout are:

NSAIDs and corticosteroids

Probably the most common medications used to treat gout are NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are taken orally. As their name implies, NSAIDs function to reduce the swelling in the affected joints and reduce pain.

NSAIDs also block the production of a substance called prostaglandin, which is responsible for causing inflammation and the feeling of pain. Initially, NSAIDs are taken in high doses for as long as symptoms last and medication may continue for about three more days after symptoms have subsided.

It is worth noting, however that while NSAIDs are effective in reducing the inflammation in the joints caused by uric acid crystals, they do not decrease the amount of uric acid found in the body. An NSAID will not, by itself, eliminate uric acid.

Corticosteroids may be prescribed if a patient does not respond to an NSAID or if it is not well tolerated. Corticosteroids are also anti-inflammatory medications and can produce immediate relief if injected directly into the joint. The only drawback is that it cannot be used on a regular basis (i.e., for every attack) because it can cause the weakening of cartilage and promote the deterioration of the joints.

In some cases where symptoms cannot be alleviated or controlled by NSAIDs or corticosteroids, a drug called colchicines may be prescribed during the first 12 hours of a gout attack and is usually taken every hour. It does have side effects, though, such as diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps and vomiting.

Gout medications such as probenecid and allopurinol may be prescribed to regulate the levels of uric acid in the blood and are often prescribed to older patients. These medications prevent the development of tophi which are chalk-colored lumps found under the skin, usually around joints.

Another medication that has a long history with gout is colchicine. It has been around since the 1800s and can significantly reduce swelling and relieve pain as well as stop future attacks. It has enjoyed a certain staying power because of its effectiveness. However, its use can cause certain side effects such as vomiting, nausea and diarrhea even when used during a short period.

Other than probenecids, colchicines and allopurinol, sulfinpyrazone may also be prescribed for the treatment of tophi and the prevention of further attacks.

Watching the side effects

Gout medications do have their side effects and can range from mild nausea or dizziness to abdominal cramps and headaches. If you do suffer from these, there is no need to grin and bear it just to get relief later. You can talk to your doctor about it and ask for alternatives. By no means should you stop taking your medications without talking to your doctor first.

Supplements and quack medications

Gout sufferers are often advised to take dietary supplements such as Vitamins E, B-complex and folic acid to replenish the body's supply. There are also some very attractive and tempting ads making the rounds in the internet and the papers, promising a 'total cure' or a 'miraculous treatment' for gout.

Before giving in to these ads, it is better to consult with your doctor first. Some of these medications and supplements may not contain harmful ingredients, but they may mix with your current medication and affect your body adversely.

Further research

No cure has yet been discovered for gout, but scientists continue to conduct research on the subject, specifically on the effectiveness of other medications with newer compounds that are safe to use. Studies on the structure of the enzymes involved in breaking down purines inside the body are also being done, to promote further understanding of how these enzymes affect or promote the occurrence of gout.

Arthritis Knee Surgery - The Pros and Cons

Arthritis is a disease characterized by abnormal inflammations affecting the human body's articulations or joints. The fingers, elbows, hips, and knees are the primary targets of arthritis. Arthritis comes in varied forms. Osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, is caused predominantly by old age, but may also develop in response to certain lesions, infections, or malformations, of the knee. Other less common but equally debilitating forms of arthritis are as follows: gouty arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatment Options for Arthritis In the Knee

Several modes of treatment are available for managing arthritis and its symptoms. These may range from physical therapy, pharmacological remedies (medications), to arthritis-specific surgical procedures.

The latter, more commonly known collectively as arthritis knee surgery, has a variety of more specialized types - for example, knee osteotomy, arthroscopy, and knee replacement surgery. The specific form of arthritis knee surgery will depend on a number of factors, such as the extent and severity of the disease.

What is Knee Arthritis Surgery?

Depending on the state of arthritis, the most recommended option for treatment is frequently arthritis knee surgery.

Arthritis usually develops in stages, gradually destroying the cartilaginous tissue present in the tissue joints. In its early stages, anti-inflammatory treatment and physical therapy are the primary modes of treatment. However, as the disease progresses, arthritis knee surgery becomes an urgent and crucial necessity.

Arthroscopy: A Less Invasive Option

Arthroscopy is a less invasive surgical option in arthritis treatment. This procedure involves the repair of ligament and cartilage tissue injuries in the knee and the other joints. During an arthroscopy, a tiny instrument resembling an endoscope will be inserted in the affected articulation via a little incision.

Although the effectiveness of this procedure remains an issue of debate, many proponents attest to the benefits of arthroscopy when applied in appropriate scenarios.

Telltale signs that a patient requires knee arthroscopy are as follows: painful popping of the knee, knee joint instability or wobbling knees, a prickling sensation when using the knee joint, and inflammation or swelling of the affected body part(s).

Knee Osteotomy: Better Option for Younger Patients

In cases of younger patients, these arthritics only often have damage in only one part of the knee joint. Consequently, they are not advised to undergo complete knee replacement surgery.

Sometimes, arthritis also manifests through knock-legged or bow-legged cases, which are characterized by a joint reorientation, such that the joint's weight center is transferred from its damaged area to its healthy area. In such cases, knee osteotomy is often the best course of action.

Partial Knee Replacement Surgery: The Hybrid

Considered a "hybrid" of both osteotomy and complete knee replacement surgery, partial knee replacement surgery is significantly less invasive than the latter. This procedure is done by replacing the damaged portion of the affected articulation with a prosthetic one, while the healthy parts are left intact to heal. Partial knee replacement surgery is recommended for severe arthritis confined to certain parts of articulation. Compared to complete knee replacement surgery, this procedure requires smaller incisions and allows for a more rapid recovery time.

Complete Knee Replacement Surgery: A Practical Option

For several arthritis cases, the most practical option is complete knee replacement surgery. This procedure entails the complete removal and replacement of the damaged joint tissue with plastic or metal prosthetic implants.

Associated Risks: Arthritis Knee Surgery

As in most forms of major surgery, arthritis knee surgery patients are susceptible to thrombosis, infections, nerve damage, and certain anesthesia risks.

In addition, arthritis knee surgery involves a number of post-surgery risks, including instability of the affected joint, kneecap fracture or dislocation, and even decreased mobility or reduced range of motion.

Arthritis Knee Surgery: Pros and Cons

In spite of the risks associated to the procedure, arthritis knee surgery comes with several advantages that can benefit the inflicted patient. The primary benefits are, of course, considerable pain alleviation, enhanced mobility, as well as a substantial improvement in one's quality of life. Most importantly, within 6 months subsequent to the surgery, the previously affected joint has the potential to regain its full functionality.

Conversely, arthritis knee surgery also comes with some perceptible disadvantages. For example, post-operative patients may experience discomfort and soreness in the period following the procedure. Additionally, the use of the prosthetic joint can be noisy and draw attention to its presence. In some cases, difficulties in movement may arise. And, depending on the type of prosthetics used, the replacement knee may have limited usability, such as only 10-15 years before a new replacement knee becomes necessary once more.

All things considered, however, if we weigh the pain and discomfort that are observed in some cases against the immense potential for successful post-surgery results, it is easy to conclude that the pros of arthritis knee surgery unquestionably exceed its cons.