Sunday, September 1, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthriris - Natural Treatment

On looking for a natural cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis, or some form of natural treatment I was quite knocked back. The Medical notes and articles were telling me that that there were no known cures, and how the disease will become steadily worse the longer the patient has it.

Being the determined sort I began to search the Internet to see if I find this elusive natural cure, that's if there ever was one to be found. But as I searched I read horror story after horror story. I read how the joints in the body become inflamed, and how steadily they get more and more painful to the point that sometimes the patient cannot move out of his/her bed.

The list of the joints affected by this inflammatory disease is immense. Toes, ankles, knees, hips, arms, fingers, wrists, shoulders, and everywhere there is a joint in the body.

As the disease takes hold the patient can expect deformities, and to give an example the patient may have grossly deformed fingers or toes, which would give constant pain.

Further reading on the Medical side of things the Doctors and specialists still are not sure what causes it. Some think that it might come from the patient diet, while others will say that it comes from some form of bug that has been present in the patient's food. In one case it was believed to have started from a throat infection but at the end of the day I don't think they know.

I did come up with some facts and figures during my research, which are frightening to say the least. In normal circumstances once the patient has been diagnosed he/she will be in pain, and would likely be taking many painkillers. Between three to five years the patient would not be able to work, and would be to a large degree confined to their homes. After ten years the disease would be in control, and severe deformities, and severe pain would be constantly with them.

But after all this doom and gloom I did find one or two references to natural cures from natural treatments, and that many thousands had been relieved from the pain and suffering. At this point it felt like a breath of fresh air because as I had seen similar things like this before with other complaints and diseases. Things like curing or treatment for Cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, High Blood pressure, Asthma, and many more ailments.

This relief came in the way of Medical Science who realised that our lifestyle has changed dramatically over the last 100 years or so, and that we are eating foods that in a lot of cases the human body can't take. Add pollution into the equation and you have a recipe for disaster, and that is why we are having all these illnesses.

For quite some time now Doctors have known that the body can store all sorts of chemicals, and metals in the fat we have on our body. It was these aspects that were causing all the grief and the pain. Eliminate all those, and the body then can go back to curing it self.

The first thing to do to Cleanse and Detox the body which would allow the bodies good cells to combat the bad ones. Combine this with getting the patient to eat the right type of foods, and then the reversal process of a cure can then be started.

Medical science has proved that some foods can have an acidic affect to the bodies good cells. This in turn then creates bad cells which are the ones that are responsible for the pain and suffering. So if the patient were to have an alkaline diet there would be no bad cells because there would be enough good cells produced to fight and kill the bad ones off. This is very similar to someone who suffers with Gout. If the body produces to much uric acid this then gets into the blood, and crystallises in the joints which gives the patient the symptoms of Gout. For anyone who as ever suffered with Gout they will no just how painful it can be.

Perhaps I should explain at this point what is an alkaline diet? It's a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables with the odd exception. Meat is very acidic, while something like a melon is very alkaline. The only thing that patients must watch is that the level of vitamins is kept at the right level. This is where it is always advisable to talk things through with your Doctor, and make sure that you also have a Nutritionist to advise you what to eat.

Please note that I am not a Doctor, or any way allied to the Medical profession, and I would always advise you to talk things through with your Doctor. I am not qualified to give you medical advice, and the only thing I am doing is passing information on that I have read about. If you type in Rheumatoid Arthritis into a search engine on the Internet you will be able to find the same results that I am telling you about. (Most of these reports are produced by Doctors) If you are suffering badly you might not want to talk things over with your Doctor, but again that would be your choice. Some Doctors might not be very happy about this type of treatment, and quite possibly they will try to talk you out of it.

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