Monday, July 22, 2013

Drink Alfalfa Tea Regularly to Cure Arthritic Pains

Alfalfa is known to be the most versatile verb with great nutritional value. This leguminous herb precisely grows up to 60 cms in height. It is found to have green leaves and purplish colour flowers.

In ancient times this particular herb was well known as the "kings of kings" of plants and the "father of all foods" by Arabs. However, the Persian acknowledged it to be the healing grass of many health ailments.

This herb is enriched with major source of vitamins such as A, B, C, D, E, G and K. Along with this, it provides the valuable source of magnesium, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and silicon.

According to US Department of Agriculture revelations alfalfa contains more protein in the form of arginine, lysine, theronine and tryptophane than grains like corn and wheat. It also found to have the rich source of dietary fibre and chlorophyll.

The leaves, stems and seeds of alfalfa herb is widely used for treating so many health problems such as asthma, high cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, upset stomach diabetes and a bleeding disorder known as thrombocytopenic purpura.

Let us go through some of these ailments in detail:

Dropsy: It is mainly referred to state of excessive accumulation of fluid in the body. The consumption of alfalfa herb which is diuretic in nature by way of leaves, stem or seeds in desired quantity nay help in balancing the excessive fluid in the body. Furthermore it also helps in treating the inflammation of bladder effectively.

Heart Diseases: To cure numerous problems related to arterial or heart it is advised to consume the juice of this herb duly mixed with one glass of carrot juice daily to have beneficial results.

Respiratory Disorders: The consumption of alfalfa juice is really beneficial in curing numerous respiratory problems especially related to lungs or sinuses.

Stomach Disorder: To treat various problems related to stomach distress it is advised the seeds of this herb should be consumed like sprouts. To treat hyperacidity the consumption of tea made by mixing this herb with few mint leaves after meal is very beneficial.

Arthritis: The seeds of this herb work like a magic in treating the arthritic pains of the body. It is advised that near about seven cups of tea made by using this herb should be consumed one time a day for at least 15 days to have beneficial results.

Hair Disorders: It is advised that the juice of alfalfa mixed with one glass carrot and lettuce juice should be consumed one time a day to have the remarkable growth of the hair.

High Blood Pressure: This herb proves to be an effective remedy for high blood pressure. The consumption of this herb in the diet may help in softening of the hardened arteries and improves the blood flow in the body.

You use this herb in numerous in numerous ways in your dietary food. The seeds of the plant can be consumed like sprouts. Its leaves can be consumed by way of salad or soups. This can also be consumed in the form of extract or juice. It can also be drunk as tea which is prepared by boiling its seeds for one hour in required quantity of water. Later on this decoction is strained off and cooled down and consumed by mixing 1 tsp of honey.

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