Monday, July 22, 2013

The Goodness of Water Exercise in Healing Arthritis - Improve Your Joints by This Therapy

Wet Cure

Relief from arthritis may just be a splash away. A study conducted by a group of Japanese researchers on the effects of water or hydrotherapy on patients afflicted with the disease showed conclusive evidence that exercising under these special conditions can improve joints and is a viable therapy for those with the condition.

Backed by Science

Through hydrotherapy and its variants, the body experiences enough support from the water and at the same time is given healthy degrees of fluid resistance to wake up joints and muscles and facilitate blood circulation, muscle strengthening, and increased endurance. According to the study, these exercises also provide better moods and sleep, an increased sense of well-being, improved oxygen intake, greater flexibility, loss of excess body fat, increased agility, and has developed a liking for general exercise in the patients. Compared to other patients who did not undergo treatment, the group who underwent warm water exercises also experienced no exercise-related injuries.

Plenty of Options

For those with arthritis, there are many options available for availing of the workout to sooth stiff joints and cartilages. Physiotherapists now offer hydrotherapy, where the pool is heated to around 34°C. You may also find gentle water exercises offered in recreation and fitness centers, some with programs especially made for the elderly or disabled. Finally, there is also a gentle version of aquarobics to improve general fitness.

Safety Reminders

As with any training, remember to consult your medical adviser. It is also advisable to begin with a gentler pace. There is no need to stay in water for prolonged periods if you are a beginner and your body is not yet attuned to the rigors of working out. If you feel dizzy or sore, take a rest. Always drink plenty of water to keeps yourself well hydrated. While warm water exercises have important benefits in the relief and treatment of arthritis, it is always important to complement the procedure with a balanced diet, healthy living, and consultation with a medical professional.

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